"kiss me." alex stated.

"what, alex?" john laughed.

"you heard me."

"are you still drunk? since when have you wanted to kiss me? this is a plan to make jefferson jealous, isn't it."

"no, i swear!" alex pouted, his lips already drifting to john's. "kiss me."

john's face had heated up in the midst of this. he was still holding onto alex's waist, in a very domestic, relationship-y way.

as intoxicated as alex was, he let their lips meet each other. this wasn't the first time they did this. the two kissed each other like it was nobody's business and still remained friends. alex parted john's lips, taking the lead in the kiss before john took that back and slipped his tongue into alex's mouth. he had his pointed finger and thumb holding onto alex's chin, tilting it up for easier access. alex's lips tasted like one too many maraschino cherries, sweet and addicting. their tongues twisted and twirled around each other's like no one was around, soon leaving each other's. as they pulled away, john nipped alex's bottom lip, sinking his teeth in and tugging gently before letting go.

"just date already, idiots." hercules scolded, pushing john's phone toward him.

john was oblivious. stupid, almost.

his phone was opened to the camera app, numerous pictures of him and alex kissing already filling up his storage. alexander was looking through them with john, trying to pick one to be his new screensaver. he didn't notice jefferson coming up to them, then taking his face in his hands to make him look up at him.

"can i help you? i'm not really in the mood to argue right now." alex purred, a misleading smile growing on his lips.

"can i buy you a drink, sweetheart?"

"i kind of have something going on with laurens, in case you didn't notice."

john's eyes looked down at his friend. he seemed completely serious. despite drooling over the idiot five minutes ago, he wanted nothing to do with him. it was like he hadn't been drinking at all. in the midst of this, alex was shutting down whatever he had for thomas at that moment. lafayette eventually stepped in, trying to convince his family friend that alex wouldn't let up. once thomas realized that, he was off to his group which was thoroughly enjoying watching him get shut down.

"take me to your apartment? i want to spend the night." alex hummed, still thumbing through the pictures on john's phone.

"i'll get herc and laf to drive us home. they haven't been drinking," john stated, quickly sliding some money underneath alex's glass for the bartender. he grabbed his friend's attention, right after. "herc! mind driving us home?"

"laf and i were just about to drag you home anyway."

a quiet laugh left john's lips as he helped alex out of the barstool that they were both trying to fit on. he aided him to herc's car, already hearing the protests of leaving so early. his friends only laughed at him, jeering about him being so adamant that he didn't want to go out for the weekend. the car ride didn't last too long as hercules navigated the quiet streets, relying on john for directions to his apartment. alex nearly fell out of the car when they exited, john helping him walk like a relatively sober person.

alex was mumbling to himself about something, but his words were too quiet to be picked up. the elevator ride seemed to last far too long with numerous people coming in and out at different times. the two finally reached john's room, the door creaking as they entered. john sent alex off to the shower with a towel and a pair of underwear which john had bought a size too small.

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