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014 fourteenth chapter.

seonghwa and yeosang were having a blast by then, and what ever nervous thoughts or worries the two had about one another were long gone. a popular pop song blasted through the speakers as the pair danced the night away in joy.

"do you want to take a break and get some punch?" seonghwa yelled over the awfully loud music. yeosang just nodded in response and followed him to the right side of the gym.

the older poured cups for the both of them. he handed his cup to yeosang and then leaned against the wall beside the table.

"i know the night is just getting started, but i'm having a great time with you, yeosang."

the younger blushed at his statement, flustered for obvious reasons. "likewise, seonghwa." he smiled up to seonghwa as he took a spot on the wall beside him.

"uhm, seonghwa? hey..." a girl interrupted their moment as she stood in the front of the two.

she was much smaller and shorter than the both of them, and she had silky black hair with dark brown eyes. yeosang could admit that she was very beautiful, but he couldn't help but be jealous when he saw the pretty girl approach his date.

"yes?" the older answered, a little confused because he had never seen that girl before.

"uhm, this is quite embarrassing," she giggled a bit and looked down, "but would you like to dance with me?"

yeosang immediately frowned. and there it was. he knew seonghwa looked way too good tonight, he would have people all over him all night. he was surprised this was just the first person to ask him to dance.

seonghwa chuckled a bit and sat his drink down on the closest table, "i'm sorry, but i already have a date. in fact, he's right here." he pulled yeosang closer into his side, which of course resulted in the boy blushing at the act.

"oh... sorry." the girl smiled awkwardly at the pair, and then walked away in peace.

the jealously boiling in yeosang was long forgotten after this interaction, and seonghwa's action would hopefully let people know that he wasn't available that night.

"aww! i just saw what you did there, seonghwa! you guys are so cute!" yunho said as he approached the pair with jongho following not too far behind him.

"hey, don't tell me you're going all soft for yeosang, seonghwa." jongho scoffed in a joking manner as he stared at the couple in front of him.

"i could say the same thing about you, choi." seonghwa chuckled and punched him on his shoulder, all while still holding onto yeosang.

"hongjoong said we should all regroup at the end of the dance! y'know, when the slow songs are playing!" yeosang cut in to inform the others.

"sounds good, we're in! jongho let's go dance to a few more songs before your social battery runs out." and with that, yunho was dragging a partially tired jongho back to dance.


and before they knew it, the dance was coming to an end in the blink of an eye. the dj had just started playing the last few slow songs, which caused all of the couples to flood the dance floor until it was packed.

yeosang smiled at the sight of all the couples dancing with bright smiles on their faces, he looked around more and even spotted all of his friends in the back dancing with their partners.

"well it'd be a shame if we just sat through the slow songs. so, yeosang, may i have this dance?" seonghwa stood in front of the boy with his hand out for him to take.

he smiled, "you may."

seonghwa led them to where all of their friends were dancing, particularly wooyoung and san. to be honest, yeosang was surprised that those two weren't kissing or something by now.

CANDY by TWICE boomed through the speakers around the gym as seonghwa wrapped his arms around yeosang's waist, and the other threw his arms over his shoulders.

"i've said this a million times tonight, but i've seriously had a great time with you." seonghwa smiled down at the younger as they swayed to the music.

"same here. this is my first time having an actual date to the dance, so thank you, hwa."

"really? well i'm glad i was your first." seonghwa flirted more, and yeosang was quite literally panicking on the inside. he turned his head to the side to see wooyoung giving him the thumbs up and nodding his head violently.

yeosang just giggled and turned his attention back to seonghwa, the boy that currently had him in shambles. he hoped that him and seonghwa could possibly go to dances as something more than just "dates" in the future.


the long awaited dance chapter. sorry if this is horrible i've never went to a dance before :,(

i hope you guys weren't expecting them to kiss because i was going to do it but i decided against it for the plot HSHAHS

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