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Just a short story to cover the fact that I haven't been posting for years.
Requested by no one and it's a dead techno AU.

Question of the day. What do you want to become when you are older? I know, I know some of you guys don't have anything in mind, i didn't either and I found out a while ago that I wanted to become an astronaut!

Anyways short story!
-Philza POV-
"Hey techno! Good morning mate!" "Hi Phil. Did you sleep well?" "Uh yeah!" I say quickly.
I look at him and smile. He looks off? Well he always looks off in the mornings! We both got sleep issues but mine are worse. I don't think he knows that tho...

"Phil?" "Oh yeah?" "I was wondering... why is there a snowman in your house?" "Uhhhhh we don't talk about that." I say laughing and him laughing along. We talk about stuff you know the usual.

Until I say: "hey sorry btw about that ender pearl thingy. I thought you said three months." He goes quiet and looks down. "Phil..." "yeah mate?" "Are you okay did you sleep. Dont you remember? The ender pearl despawned." I look at him slowly. I see his long hair kinda messy after waking up. His shiny crown and cape? I dont know why his cape is shiny but it is what it is. His red is looking at me with a worried look. Yep. That's him. Technoblade. What does he mean about the ender pearl?

"Philza!" What..? No if the ender pearl.. "PHIL!" "Huh?" "Phil.. I never got out of the prison." Wait.. no! This- this can't be true I- wasn't too late I-

I look at him once again. His pink hair cut and very messy. His crown rusty with dents in it. His cape missing. A big red scar across his mouth and left eye and forehead. His red eyes... both lifeless white. His ghost form! No.... i-



"Wake up old man. There is something I gotta tell you. I'm going to visit dream."

It was all a...


Not making a part two. Dream smp finale was pog but I though hey what If that did happen in the first place soooo.

Philza Oneshots!   (First book)Where stories live. Discover now