Flight troubles

508 11 15

This chapter is requested by @magic_lover5627
This is a hybrid AU so yeah. (You can be multiple creatures like bee and dragon (that's a terrible combination) and still be half human.) (people get their hybrid forms in their teenage).

Anyways the question of the day is your favorite food? I don't have one but it's probably sweets (cake or cotton candy or chocolate) (why are they all starting with c?!).
-Tubbo POV-
(14 year old Wilbur)
Wilbur runs at me angry and almost bumps into me. "WHAT?! WILBUR?!" "TUBBO! Sorry..!" "You seen angry.. what happ-"
I look at him and see that he has two new wings?! "Yeah..." Wilbur says looking at my expression knowing that I saw his new wings. "Did you get you hybrid form already? What Hybrid are you?" I ask confused. "Bee and bat..." "BEE?! And.. bat?" "I have one bat wing and one bee wing it's terrible..." "It can't be that bad?" "You know what... I'll tell you why it's so bad..." Wilbur says annoyed.
(Flashback (2 days before he saw tubbo))
-Philza POV-
"PHILLLLLLLLLLL!!! MY BACK HURTS!!!!!!" "You good Wilbur? Come here!"  I look at him worried..and he passes out in my hands. "WILBUR?! TECHNO COME HERE!"
(Time skip.)
I watch him open his eyes... "P-Phil?!" "Hey Wilbur." "What happened?" "Well you grew into your hybrid form!" "Wait really?! WHAT HYBRID?!" "Bat.." "Bat?" "-and bee.." "Two? That's cool! Wait do I have wings like you?" He asks. I look down sadly.. "you do.. but you can't fly. One wing is a bat wing and the other is a bee wing. Bats can't fly- they glide bees fly which is why you can't fly.. sorry Wilbur." "WHAT?!" "But I have an elytra for you." "I understand.." he says.

That was probably not what you wanted but... I lost motivation.. sorry :(

Philza Oneshots!   (First book)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu