Queen of death

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Hello this is one of the last chapters I will be writing in this account. Don't worry I'll probably give more info soon.
This chapter is requested by @netheriea
This is not my AU.
Question of the day- what is your favorite MC biome? Mine is probably the tagia or whatever it's called. It's the biome that's a spruce forest.
-Mumza POV-
"Your highness! We found a man outside. He looks like a intruder but he says he is a traveler." I look down seeing a blond man with elf ears and dark grey crow wings. He has a bag. Not gonna lie.. he is suspicious. "We found him stealing hay." NOT THE HAY! Hah he really thought he could just steal like that. NO ONE steals from me or cheats or lies to ME!
"Of with his head. You know what our hay is. It's the magical hay. We cannot risk people getting weird powers. He is a thief." He looks scared. "NO PLEASE I-I WAS HUNGRY! I DID'NT KNOW! I WAS TRAVELING- WAIT NO-!" I see my most trusted guard rase her sword. He reminds me of someone- "Wait! I changed my mind. Let me deal with him."
"THANK YOU, YOUR HIGHNESS!!"He says surprised "Don't get to happy, come with me." "Should I come too for protection?" "No Erica, you stay here and make sure everything is fine." "Yes I shall..!"

"Why were you stealing?" "I was traveling to gather resources. And I was running low on food. So I was desperate a-and.."
"You may stay here for as long as you want. You'll get food but if you take the hay again, or anything else you will be punished and I will do it personally." "U-understood!" "I'll show you where you are going to be staying for now."

(Time skip funded by ranboos totems of undying)

"Listen- My queen... I-" "call me Kristen." "Erm- Kristen.. I l-like you!" "Wha-" "Sorry! I-" "shut up! I like you to idiot. Isn't it obvious. Even Erica knows that you like me." "WHAT!?" "Go to bed. You seem nervous. We will discuss this tomorrow."

(Another long time skip)
(Still mumza pov)

"Hey darling, how was hardcore?" I look at him with bandages on his hand. "Not good." I sigh and heal him taking a lot of my energy. "I hate this." Phil says. "I hate you wasting your power.. Is there no other way?" "Well there are some ways. I could turn you into an angel, an angel of death... but that would cost you your mortal life, basically making you immortal." "That would be better I think?" "I must warn you. Immortality is worse than you think.." "well you are immortal! I could stay with you forever!" "I guess if that's what you want. But I won't be here all the time as- you know duties. Are you sure you want this?" "Yes I am." "Well then.."

-philza POV-
It is bad isn't it... "you win my love. Guess immortality is a curse..."

That was kinda Long I guess so It took a while. Bye

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