Philza's save 3

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It's been a while since Phil's wing burnt and it's currently the day before Tommy betrays Techno again. ( bold and underlined text is not a part of the story)

Tw: screaming, hated of themself (idk what to call it), depressing thoughts, self harm, blood and just basically saddness.


-Techno POV-

(I forgot what happened a day before Techno was betrayed so i made something up ok!) Tommy and I were lurking around and Tommy of course trips and falls and before he could get up his invis runs out. Great. And the "president" and quackity have seen him. "Tommy!? What the f*ck are you doing here?"-Quackity Not-so-nicely-askes. "Uhhhh Big Q. Heyyyyyy!" "Tommy?!" Tubbo is still kinda confused, a bit normal, no offense. "Tu-ubbo... Anyways I was erm.. checking on the bees! With Tech- no one!"  " Great, so Techno is here?" Quackity once again asks, and has still not fixed his manners.

"Hello and GOODBYE!" I say as I splash another invis pot and drag Tommy with me. "GET BACK HERE" Quackity shouts aggressively, like what's his problem? That dude needs to chill. Tubbo just stands there shook.

They both try to find out where we are which is kinda hard for them cuz of the invisibility potions. And then something happens that is kinda- ugh. Tommy trips AGAIN! Like wtf?! And this time falls and knocks Tubbo down with him. I look at his shoes and they are flipping Philza's high boots. (Context: Phil randomly decided to buy high heal boots from Eret and Tommy stole them) "Are you freaking wearing Phil's shoes Tommy?" I say. "Well I-" "Tommy what are doing?!" Tubbo askes panicked as Quackity runs to help Tubbo up. "Well hello guys we will be goi-" i start to say just to get interupted by a VERY loud and high pitched scream. Everyone forgets what they are doing and tries to figure out what's wrong.

-Tommy POV-

(yay -_- I am trash at writing this pov.)

There is this VERY VERY f*cking loud scream! It's SO LOUD AND HIGH PITCHED that my ears start to really hurt. A message pops up in chat later on.


I felt a breeze behind me but I chose to ignore that and start thinking how loud Phil would have screamed if he was back at home and we heard it over here. And what was the problem?

Tubbo_> Phil?!

Ph1lza> I'm fine guys don't worry!

I turned around to face Techno and get out of here and to Phil ASAP but he f*cking left me that d*ck head!!! I look at Tubbo and Big Q who are staring at me. "What the f*ck," Big Q shouts. Before anything happens Techno ender pearls back hands me one and as I pearl out he is right behind me and is very quiet. We ender pearl most of the way to get there faster and Techno is in a very big rush. I try to keep up as well as I can and when we get to the portal, I check if I can see anyone following us. I don't really see anyone.

-Philza POV-

(Tw start(all of the tws start here)I have to do it. Now or never. No one is home except me so this is my only chance for a while. 3 2 1 Swing- "Phil?!" F*CK! I screamed in agony. The door is locked, that's good so that Ghostbur can't see me like this. That hurt SO much. Why did i scream that loudly or scream at all. I couldn't keep it in .. i really tried! But I screamed anyway. Why can't I not be a burden for once. I feel tears fall down my face, ugh pathetic.



Oh my god, why can't i not make they scared for once. I quickly respond with:

Ph1lza> I'm fine guys don't worry!

That sounded so fake... "Phil?!"

Oh shoot, I forgot about ghostbur. "I-i'm fin-ne!" F*ck why did i stutter!? Wait a second... Why are both my wings hurting now? It's probably linked or- NO! NONONONONONONONONO!!! I panickedly find a mirror and look at my wings. "NO!!" "Phil let me in!!" "Leave Ghostbur."

This wasn't supposed to happen...

Nothing works out.

I'm a mistake.

Why can't i do anything correctly?!

Why are they always messing with me?

Why do they worry?

Why can't it work out?

Why am I such a burden?

Why can't i choose the correct choice anymore?

I used to be so lucky, now I'm nothing.


Why is everything wrong.

This is when I realize that I am having an emotional breakdown and a panic attack as people would say. I hear someone saying something like: "P---za op-- --e -oo- -- we wil- b--ak -t!"

(Comment and tell me what you think that is)

I tuck in both my wings. I wince in pain and as I finish doing that the door breaks down. (I winced because it hurts doing it with broken wings)

"Tommy? Wilbur. Tech-"

That's all I say before I pass out.

(Tw end)

(Summary: Phil was going to cut his burnt wing off but Ghostbur scared him by calling his name, so he accidently cuts of the wrong wing. He feels like a burden to others and start thinking some depressing things about himself. He folds his wings in again as he hears others rush into the house and hears a sentence that Techno says. He doesn't hear it fully and passes out as Techno, Ghostbur and Tommy Break the door and run in.)


There is the actual angst >:)!

Anyways hope you have a epic day/night/whatever time.

And i'm here if anyone needs help!


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