The golden boy..

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Also requested by @4ngstyt33n
Sorry for taking so long! This was requested in august-
This is based of my headcanon that foolish was found by Phil and was given to Puffy.

Question of the day: have you watched squid game? If so what is your favorite character? Mine is player 199 (Ali). Player 240 (ji young) comes 2nd and 067 (Kang sae byoek) is 3rd.

-Philza POV-
Ugh a walk. Normally I like walks but Kristen told me I was "working too much" and need to get a break. So I took a nap and was going back to work. But then again she said "no way! You have to go on a walk! Don't overwork yourself and stop thinking about work all the time." I just need to get some things done.

I was actually supposed to meet puffy in 40 minutes and I just remembered. Maybe I would finish this walk in 5 minutes then go home and work-." "BOO!" That scares the life out of me and I turn around to in a fighting position and turns out that 1: I forgot my sword.. 2: I'm in safe place now. 3: It's literally Tommy and Tubbo who are four.

"Oh you really scared me! Tom and tubs, what are you two doing here?" I say. "Well me and Tubbo wanted to go on an adventure but mama said no and you were going on an adventure so we wanted to come with you!" Tommy explains proud "Yeah!" Tubbo agrees. "I- oh goodness. Guys I was just going on a walk! Does anyone know that you are here?" "Well Wilby and Tech know!" Tommy says with a grin on his face. Tubbo smiles. He doesn't really talk too much.

"Well I guess you guys can come with me on a walk... it's NOT an adventure!"
We start walking, "Hmph it is indeed a adventure." Tommy says upset. "Wait how do you even know indeed I swear you didn't a while ago." I say giggling. "Techno is teaching me so many fucking words!" Tommy exclaims. "Tommy... you do know that's a bad word?" "What bad word?!" "Fuck.." Tubbo answers quietly then starts laughing at Tommy at his very shocked face.

Huh Tommy reminds me of myself... that might go wrong..
Wait Wilbur reminds me of young Kristen and Tubbo  remember me of younger schlatt and techno.. well he reminds me of Darly. (Read the bad and Phil's past together chapter to know who that is.)

We keep walking as Tommy argues that it is that bad that he said a bad word as he is "big." "Sure sure "Big man" Tommy." Tubbo says sarcastically. "Wait when did you learn sarcasm?!" I ask surprised. "Techno." Wtf techno. He is turning into a teacher. He is quite good with children. (That didn't age well-)

I laugh at their little conversations. As we are walking past some trees I check the time. F*ck. 20 minutes have passed! I was supposed to be home right now! "Guys it's time to go back!" "Awwww can't we walk a bit more??? This is fun!" Tubbo complains. "I'm kinda tired. But I do want to walk with you more!" Tommy says. "Sorry guys, we can go on another walk tomorrow!" "OKAY! But it has to be a long one! Tommy says.

On the way back Tubbo just randomly stops. "Tubbo?" Tommy asks. Wait I think I hear something! Maybe Tubbo hears it too? "This way." Tubbo says blankly. I look at Tommy and he looks back at me confused and we decide to follow the little ram.
I see a.. baby hybrid? It looks at us scared. It can't walk well so it can't get away.
I run towards them and pick them up slowly. "Shhhhh" I say as an effortless attempt to calm them down. I think it's a boy. He looks up at me with his emerald green eyes and starts giggling. I look towards the others Tubbo seem confused and Tommy looks awestruck.

-Puffy POV-
(First time writing in her POV let's goooooo)
I heard my doorbell ring, who could that be? It's probably Phil. I open up to see Phil as I expected but something I didn't expect was a baby in his hands and Tommy standing there and Tubbo running over to me and hugging me. Well I am his guardian. "Phil?" "Hi?" Oh this is gonna be long day...

(Timeskip funded by baby foolish's cuteness cuz I dont know what to write.)

It's been a year since "foolish" arrived at my doorstep. Well with Philza.
Turns out that he was a shark/totem of undying. His mom had died and his dad was ABSOLUTELY terrible. Me and Phil (and Kristen) had an heated argument with him. He had named the child foolish. Not the best name tbh. But foolish won't let us change it. So we told him that means something else in another language.

Because the fact that he is half totem of undying (which is quite rare-) he ages faster than others. Like he was 4 months when Phil found him. It's been a year and he is like 4 years old. Phil knew a lot about this hybrid. He will grow this fast until he is 16? I think that's what he said. Then he will age normally.  "Mama?" I turn around to see dream and tubbo and foolish. "We wanted to ask if we can go to uncle Tommy's house?" Foolish said. I forgot he called Tommy uncle. Well he used to call Tubbo uncle but tubbo told him to call him brother but Tommy kept his title. He said that it makes him feel more powerful? They all looked so adorable there is no way I can say no to that. Danmit- "of course!" These kids will be the end of me. How can they be so adorable. "YAY!" Drista says popping up behind tubbo. That's nice..
Sorry for the delay again!

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