Not the best chef- YeleNat

Start from the beginning

She felt more relaxed after that and allowed Natasha to feed her small amounts.

After that incident, Natasha helped Yelena get better with her eating, by cooking for her.

The first meal she made her was spaghetti and sauce. A nice and simple meal, Yelena couldn't see what could go wrong. And then she tried it.

The pasta was overly salted, not cooked all the way, and it practically crunched in her mouth. The sauce was cold, lumpy and there was way too much pepper in it.

But, the way Natasha was staring at her nervously, she knew she couldn't break her heart.

"Mmm, it's really good." Yelena says and forces herself to swallow the food, covering up her grimace with a smile.

Natasha's eyes lighten up and she smiles, proud of herself. "Well, you better eat up then, little one."

Yelena looks down at the plate of food and then back home at Natasha. "What about you?"

"Oh, don't worry about me, I've already eaten." Natasha reassures. "Eat up, it'll go cold."

Yelena holds back her groans of disgust as she chows down the food as quick as she could, trying to get it over and done with.

By the time Natasha had turned around from washing the dishes, Yelena had finished and was chugging a bottle of water.

"Jesus, Lena, you must of been hungry." Natasha teases. "Do you want some more?"

"No!" Yelena quickly replies. "I mean, no thank you, Nat, I'm full. But, thanks for cooking for me. I really appreciate it." She says and kisses her cheek.

Natasha smiles and ruffles her hair. "You're welcome."

Yelena smiles back before walking out of the room. When she's out of Natasha's sight, she sprints for the toilet, covering her mouth with her hand.

She managed to get to the toilet in time, just as everything she ate came back up.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?"

It was Wanda. Thankfully.

"Natasha cooked." Is all Yelena croaks out to make Wanda grimace.

"Oh, you poor thing." Wanda says sympathetically. "Why didn't you just tell her it was bad?"

"Because she looked so proud of herself, I didn't want to take that away from her." Yelena groans and flushes the toilet before brushing her teeth.

Wanda stays, just stroking her hair. "It's bad, huh?"

"So bad, I think I'd rather go back to the red room." Yelena whimpers and spits the toothpaste into the sink, rinsing it and putting her toothbrush back.

Wanda chuckles. "Wanna go for a pizza?"

End Flashback

"Ms Romanoff is requesting your presence in the kitchen, little widow." Friday announces which makes Yelena roll her eye at the name Tony gave her.

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