[Pinkie] is typing...

580 92 12

10:58 PM - Pinkie/Haruki Nakamura

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Here are the photos from today.

11:01 PM - Angel Young

u kind soul
how can I ever repay u

11:02 PM - Pinkie/Haruki Nakamura

Do your assignments at least 24 hours before its due date

11:03 PM - Angel Young

whoa tall order there buddy

11:03 PM - Pinkie/Haruki Nakamura

Why are you so bent on making your life harder?

11:04 PM - Angel Young

y u so bent on making it easier
yk, if u keep that up, ur gonna make me think you actually enjoy my company

11:04 PM - Pinkie/Haruki Nakamura


11:04 PM - Angel Young


11:04 PM- Pinkie/Haruki Nakamura

I could say the same for you
You're the one that keeps asking me to hang out all the time

11:04 PM - Angel Young

and who keeps saying yes
exactly. checkmate

11:05 PM - Pinkie/Haruki Nakamura

Stop it

11:05 PM - Angel Young

that's ur favorite word or smth

11:05 PM - Pinkie/Haruki Nakamura

With you, it has to be

11:06 PM - Angel Young

if u hate me so much then why keep spending time with me

11:06 PM - Pinkie/Haruki Nakamura

? I don't hate you

11:06 PM - Angel Young

oop confession
i knew it

11:06 PM - Pinkie/Haruki Nakamura

I never said I liked you though

11:06 PM - Angel Young

well now I'm sobbing

11:07 PM - Pinkie/Haruki Nakamura


Suicide Buddiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें