French Fries & Frostbite

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(hello tysm for readin'. vote if it does appeal to your soul)

12:04 AM - (Zodiac Killer)/Haruki Nakamura

1. Eat from a food truck
2. Go to a museum
3. See a meteor shower
4. Go bowling
5. Try alcohol
6. Eat ice cream when it's raining
7. Go to Disneyland
8. Try apple pie
9. Go to a concert
10. Have an impromptu ditch day
11. Get my driver's license
12. Change someone's life
13. Go to Yoshino

12:07 AM - Angel Young

Oh, wow
U actually have one

12:11 AM - Zodiac Killer/Haruki Nakamura

you told me to

12:13 AM - Angel Young

didnt think u would do it

12:15 AM - Zodiac Killer/Haruki Nakamura

*didn't. And where's urs?

12:15 AM - Angel Young

who's carrying the conversation now?

12:16 AM - Zodiac Killer/Haruki Nakamura

I'm out.

12:18 AM - Angel Young

alr alr, I got one.
1. Make a cheesecake from scratch
2. Go camping
3. Go on a boat
4. See the Golden Gate Bridge in SF
5. Make a pillow fort
6. Swim in Lake Tahoe
7. Vandalize the school
8. Pull an all nighter w/someone
9. Try ice-skating
10. Eat a whole cake by myself
11. See snow
12. Slow dance at some point
13. Take a road trip

12: 20 AM - Zodiac Killer/Haruki Nakamura

A real list

12:20 AM - Angel Young

what's a fake one??

12:21 AM - Zodiac Killer/Haruki Nakamura

Night, Angel

12:21 AM - Angel Young

thats coldhearted, Haruki

12:22 AM - Zodiac Killer/Haruki Nakamura


12:23 AM - Angel Young

now you're just being rude

12:23 AM - Zodiac Killer/Haruki Nakamura

Bye, Angel

12:24 AM - Angel Young

bye haruki


My father named me Seohyun because I was supposed to be successful.

Middle-named, really. My mother took the liberty of giving me my first name. She never told me the exact reason why, and if I ever asked, the answer was vague and varied for the most part. The only conclusion I deciphered was that she simply liked the name enough. My mother, unlike my father, was content to do things just for the sake of doing them.

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