Twisted Pleasures

Start from the beginning

"Jungkook." This time, Hoseok calls out the young one. And as if burned, Jungkook's face twist with displease. The man shrinks back, a hand over his sensitive nose.

Not much is said this time too, everyone is aware of the way their youngest brother responds to different pheromones.

"Let me."

It is unexpected, the way the slightly short man's grave voice echo the room, especially when he bothers to abandon his usual spot on the couch.

They stare at Yoongi as he steps towards the woman, pale skin hidden under the layer of silk back shirt. The man's tired face is visible to the light as he bend down and without any difficulty, picks up the woman in his arms.

Y/n's lifeless body lean on him, head falling over his chest.

The man without any word, walks away from the living room and towards the hallways where Taehyung just passed, the youngest a few feets ahead of him with his lazy steps.

Yoongi follows him till they are turning to the last hallway where there are only two rooms. Taehyung enters his room in the far corner, turning to close his door when he sees Yoongi kick the other door open with his feet, the little woman curled in his arms.

His head tilt to the side. That is so unlike Yoongi.

Yoongi steps towards the bed, bending down to lay the woman over the mattress. Her soft body settle in, one strap of her white frock falling from her shoulder.

Trailing one gaze over her body, the man turns around, ready to walk out of the room that smell everything alive and human.

But he is forced to a sudden halt when he feels warm skin gripping his thumb. He freezes, whole body tensing up.

"Stay..." He hears the woman behind him let out a small whine, no doubt calling out to him who she thinks is her mate.

He sighs, pulling his thumb out of her small palm. Her hand fall back on the mattress and the man without turning around, walk out of the room.


"What do you plan on doing?" Jin questions, watching his younger brother walk casually around his study like he hasn't just doomed someone's life.

Namjoon chuckles. "What do you think I am going to do?"

"That is impossible." Jin shakes his head, not believing the one before him.

"Oh, come one, hyung. Are you growing soft again?" Hands tucked in his pocket, Namjoon muses, an eyebrow raising.

"Again?" Jin seethes."You take her out of this house and she will be the feast of many before you can even blink. Do you not feel a bit pity for her? She is with a child."

"So what? That is why I brought her here." The man states with a straight face now, mood turning sour at being scolded.

"You brought her here to satisfy the depths of your own despicable pleasure. Not to hand her out to strange men." The oldest glares at him.

Namjoon release a deep breath. "Why are you stubbornly refusing to understand? She is a growing woman, a human at that. Don't tell me that you do not see and smell it. Even you can't resist that sweet budding fertility that comes all the way from her locked room." Tilting his head, he smirks, his sharp canine teeth reflecting the lights of the candles lit in the room. "Those bastards out there will jump at the single apportunity to break the types of her."

"You have lost your humanity, Namjoon." Hoseok voice out from the door, hands folded over his chest as he observe the situation inside his office.

The man shrugs. "We all have at this point. Especially after what that dead bastard did. But it does not matter. Cause Jin hyung is going to help me with a potion." Smiling at the oldest, Namjoon pat his back.

But the man only stares back with a flare in his attitude. "I am not going to do shit for you."

"Come one. Your mate died, fifty years passed. Get over it and come back to the real world now." Namjoon words are just as harsh as he is, not caring for the gaze hardening on him.

Jin lean closer to his face, fists clinching into his palms to control his anger. "I am not doing to help you even when you fall to your knees in front of me."

With that, he turns and leaves the room, Namjoon watching him walk away with a smirk playing his lips. "You know better. You will end up helping me anyways." He calls out. "After all, you are even more worst that I am."

With a tightly tensed jaw, Jin exit the room. Namjoon is right. He is far more worse. He has always been, ever since they were children. And no one knows that better than Taehyung. That man has seen and felt it on his skin when a child.

No matter how much he resists, they are brothers at the end of the day. They are to stand together in every decision. Y/n does not falter him, the only thing that does a little bit is the fact that she is pregnant.

His mate was also pregnant when she died.

Y/n is a stranger. She will die in a couple of years anyways, so why don't they just play around a bit before they decide to discard of her.


Yall these men be getting on my every nerve 🙄🙄 but then again, it's still the beginning and I have soooo many things planned. Also kim taehyung.. Fuck you 🖕🖕

I've included other boys in this chapter as well. Yoongi was always there but I made him do some physical work lmao. He has a good part in this book.

Leave lots of love in your way.


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