jamilton ~ filthy praise.

Comenzar desde el principio

"alex, save it til' tomorrow, alright? it'll give you something to look forward to." thomas purred.

alex's eyes snapped open and his hand fell from his cock upon hearing those words. he frowned, listening to his partner. he nodded disappointedly, fishing around for his underwear and pants. how the hell was thomas able to edge him when he wasn't even in the same state? alex knew he didn't have to listen, but he wanted to do what thomas said because for some reason, listening to his advice made everything that much better.

"i have to go, lex. work is calling me. i'll text you soon. i'll see you tomorrow, alright? i love you."

"i love you." alex whispered, sighing when thomas hung up. he shut his laptop, then turned off his light.

alexander curled up under the covers, staring at his phone, waiting for that text from his boyfriend.

however, he fell asleep waiting.

hamilton practically knocked thomas over once he came through the gate, his suitcase trailing behind him before abandoning it to embrace his boyfriend. alex's arms latched around thomas's neck as he jumped up to hug him. he exclaimed happily, laughing when thomas spun him around. thomas placed alex down delicately, kissing him gingerly like there was not a whole bunch of people around. alex placed a gentle hand on thomas's chest, pushing him away so he was able to bury his face in the crook of his neck. he was up on his tippy-toes, trying to get as close as humanely possible to his significant other.

"i missed you so much." alex mumbled.

"i was only gone for a week, honey." thomas chuckled, holding his boyfriend lovingly.

"a week was far too long. especially while you were out galavanting in virginia?"

"it was a business trip, love. no galavanting at all."

"come on, i have a lot to tell you."

alex was clinging to thomas as if it was the last time he'd ever see him. he followed him around like a lost puppy while he tried to unpack his belongings. thomas soon gave up on getting himself situated, instead, he indulged his boyfriend in kisses and talking with him about what he had missed.

"- -class was boring, work was boring. i had nothing to do when you weren't here."

"you didn't hang out with any of your friends?" thomas hummed.

"laf and herc were busy. laurens is in south carolina. i only saw peggy."

thomas nodded as alex spoke, his arms looping around alex's waist as he rambled. alex stared up at his amazing boyfriend with lovestruck ridden eyes. their lips met each other's gently, almost moving in slow motion. this was pure felicity.

"come lay down." alex mumbled against thomas's mouth.

alex giggled when thomas swept him off his feet, just to carry him a few feet away to the bedroom. alex was dropped on the bed, thomas flopping down after him. alex was on him in record time, essentially smothering thomas with kisses. their lips met once again, just a shorter lived kiss.

thomas smiled softly at his beautiful boyfriend, taking him in as he did the first time they laid eyes on each other. alex pushed himself up using his arms, scrambling to hug thomas in a needy way. he tangled their legs together, pressed his ear to thomas's chest, then curled in on himself to mold them together.

"i don't know how i survived without you."

"is that so?"


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