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Jinyeon POV


no ure not wrong
i mean, who would treat their friends like their girlfriends right
or flirting with their friends especially in different gender
im sorry for being insensitive

kim sunwoo
[ seen 17.58 ]

did i... break his heart?

i can't stop but to smile at the messages when he said he will kiss me but... we are nothing but friends.

plus, he have a girlfriend.

the girl she hung out with at the café, the girl who he called noona, the girl that ruffled his hair with a sweet smile, he held her hand while heading out.

i can't do this. im feeling guilty already.


kim sunwoo

idk if ure ignoring the notification or what
i hope u don't get sad over me
our friendship is precious too
just that u have something more precious than our friendship
i hope u don't lose that over me
don't be stupid n choose me


i avoided sunwoo for like a whole week.

ha ha, funny right. it was just our second day being friend, with my real identity. and here am i being distant with my own friend haha.

i don't even know why am i avoiding him lol.

"jinyeon? are you okay?", i looked at the person who asked me as i sipped my mint choco milk sadly and shook my head.

"chanhee, can i have a hug?", i asked and he nodded as he pulled me into his embrace. ahhh, comfort space of mine.

no jinyeon don't cry, no crying now.

i held my tears as i broke the hug and looked at him, "chanhee, are you free later?" he shook his head, "my class ends late today, along with changmin and kevin too, at 3pm."

"what about juyeon?", i asked.

"around 1pm? i think his class ends the same time as yours. why?"

i shook my head, "nothing much."

juyeon... where's juyeon. im using him today then, "im going to find juyeon then. do you know where is he?"

"i think he's inside junior's dance room.", he replied. i thanked him before heading there. i looked at the window to see his figure with someone else beside.

kim sunwoo.

never mind, imma hanging out with haknyeon at home today then i guess. oh wait, he has to stay back after school today... haha im alone.



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