Amethyst- Do you have any idea who she could have been sleeping with?

Drew- No I thought it was only Andreas, Ace, and I at the time.

Lily- All I can say is what a whore. She fucking claimed that she loved Andreas, Ace, and you but was never fucking faithful to either one of you. I can't wait for this bitch to die she has put us all through enough shit.

Amethyst- That she has. Lily Drew asked me if I wanted to end Summer when the time comes. I would like for you to end her life she has put you through hell just as much as she has me.

Drew- You both could take her out.

Lily- He's right cousin we both could take her bitch ass out. So what do you say, cousin?

Amethyst- Okay I'm in. Now you 2 go and start trying to make Reese an uncle. Plus my prince and princess need some cousins to play with.

Drew- Haha.

Lily- Haha your so blunt cousin.

Amethyst- I know I am. Now I'll let you go. Oh and before I forget to tell you both I have everyone coming to the cabin cuz I might be going into labor. Boston has started to move down so we are just waiting for my water to break. You both are welcome to come as well if you want to.

Drew- We will be there we will leave in an hour or so.

Lily- See you soon.

Amethyst- Later and see you both soon.

~End of the phone conversation~

I hang up the phone and I look up to find all 3 of my kings looking at me.

Tennessee- Are you going to tell us what is going on?

Grayson- What was that phone call about?

Ace- Come on Love don't keep us hanging here.

Amethyst- You 3 are nosey fuckers haha. But that was Drew he and Lily will be heading up here. Also, he got the results back from the paternity test and he is not the father.

Ace- Holy shit Summer played him as well. Wait does that mean Andreas or I could be the father then?

Amethyst- No I had our pack doctor run a test as well right after we found out you two were not the father. I wanted to make sure she wasn't lying. Now we are going to have to find out who the father is.

Grayson- It could be anyone how are we going to find out.

Tennessee- What will happen if we don't find the father?

Amethyst- I don't know. Hopefully, someone from the club will take him in as their own until we find his father. How could Summer be so stupid and careless?

Ace- I don't know babe. She probably thought she had it planned perfectly but it failed.

Amethyst- I don't give to fucks about her but that poor innocent baby boy is in the middle of her mess.

Grayson- Yeah I feel sorry for that baby. Hopefully, we will find out who was also sleeping with the whore around the time she conceived.

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