You Can Do It! (JeongLix)

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However, Jeongin trusted his boyfriend. He was the type to work best under pressure, contrarily to most of them. When came his time to shine, Felix truly stole the spotlight, and Jeongin was confident today would be no different – now, it was just a matter of convincing his boyfriend to believe in himself a little more.

For now, though, he was going to focus on taking care of his Little.


"How is he?"

"Tired. He's going to need tomorrow off, hyung."

"Of course. I promised you when we agreed to participate to the competition: the day after each showcase will be for resting and relaxing – and regressing, in Felix's case."

Jeongin exhaled in relief, and Chan smiled lightly, patting his head. Snuggled comfortably in Jeongin's arms, Felix let out a soft noise, but didn't wake up. As expected, he'd done an amazing job during the actual performance, and he'd been just as overjoyed as the others when they were announced as the winners of the preliminary round – but now, the excitement of the day had caught up to him.

He'd fallen into a daze almost immediately after the cameras were turned off, and Jeongin had taken it upon himself to carry him back to their lounge and help him wipe his makeup off and change out of his stage clothes. Felix had fallen asleep at some point throughout, and he hadn't woken up since.

Fighting one's headspace would do that, unfortunately.

Presenting as a Little was uncommon. It was a headspace that could be born from trauma, intense stress, or even genetics – but, ultimately, only about nine percent of the world population ever developed an actual Little headspace. And, in answer, someone close to them would usually present as a Caregiver, in order to balance things out.

Felix and Jeongin used to be Neutrals like every other member in their group, saved for Chan, who was a rare case of a Caregiver having presented without the outside influence of a Little – he simply had a naturally caring nature that led him to developing this specific headspace, but his particular needs as a Caregiver could easily be handled with his responsibilities as their group leader.

However, while in the midst of debuting, Felix was eliminated, and it brought about an intense mental duress that was enough to make him develop a headspace. He tried to hide it at first, and he managed to keep the secret for over half-a-year after they officially debuted before he eventually cracked and collapsed, having grown extremely sickened because of his repressed headspace.

In answer to Felix's distress, it was Jeongin who surprisingly presented as his Caregiver. Everyone obviously expected Chan to take up that role but, against all odds, Jeongin developed a new headspace and ultimately took up the mantle of Felix's Caregiver. It was a little odd at first, definitely awkward too – Felix needed help but didn't dare ask for it, and Jeongin wanted to help, but didn't want to cross any boundaries.

Eventually, with the help of the rest of the members, the pair managed to figure out something that worked for them both and, after a while, they finally established an healthy Caregiver-Little relationship – and, through it all, genuine feelings bloomed and led to them ultimately beginning to date.

(While the general public was aware of their respective headspaces because it wasn't exactly easy to hide, the fact that Felix and Jeongin were dating was still a secret – everyone put their closeness on the fact that Felix was Jeongin's Little.)

It wasn't easy, to be an Idol and a Little. In fact, Felix was pretty much the first one of his generation. It used to affect him a lot, feeling like he wasn't as good as everyone else, but he eventually managed to make his peace with it. In the end, his particular headspace didn't stop him from being an amazing Idol and doing whatever everyone else could do – it was just a matter of simply reminding him, from time to time.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat