I shook my head , "I don't have a crush on her now can we please change the subject?" I said , already feeling my patience regarding the subject wearing thin.

Chris smiled , "Oh come on , Rosie , you can tell me anything. Zero judgment I swear.." she said.

I continued to shake my head , "It's not that I don't want to tell you anything, I just don't want to discuss it at all.." I said.

"Why not?" Chris pestered.

I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel as I spoke , "Because it's wrong and my plan is to wait for it to subside on it's own , ergo , I don't wanna discuss it.." I answered her.

"Attraction to somebody doesn't just 'subside'?" she protested.

"Chris.." I said in a warning tone.

Chris put her hands up defensively and sat back in her seat , "Okay okay fine , I'll shut up now.."

I nodded , "Thank you.."

Chris was able to maintain a mere two seconds of silence before piping up again. "You're proper testy at the minute, I think you need to get yourself a lady friend.." she said.

I sighed and rolled my eyes , "What happened to you shutting up? Also 'lady friend'? You sound like an eighty year old man." I said.

"I suppose you could say I have an old soul.." she smiled smugly.

I just smiled and shook my head at her idiocy ; she's definitely a special one.

"That's the place Cate was telling me about yesterday ; she said it opened last week and does really good sushi , you wanna get some food there after this shit show is over with?" I asked Chris as we drove past the new restaurant.

Chris shook her head , "Sorry , babe I can't.." she said regretfully.

I raised my eyebrows , "Don't worry we can go another time , how come you can't go?" I asked.

"I've got plans.." she said plainly.

A smile tugged at my lips as I immediately knew what 'I've got plans' really meant. "Who is he?" I asked her with a smirk.

Chris forcibly furrowed her brows , "What? Who is who?" she said , acting oblivious.

I chuckled, "Cut the crap , I know you have a date so who is it this time?"

Chris sighed , "His name's Jared.."

I smiled , "Right okay. So where is this Jared taking you on your date then?" I questioned.

"He's taking me out to lunch.." she said.

"Well yeah I guessed that much , my question was where?" I repeated.

Chris didn't respond , she just sat slumped in her chair with her eyes in her lap. That's when I clocked it.

"He's taking you to that new sushi place , isn't he?" I asked her and she just nodded guiltily.

I laughed , "Well have fun and remember to pee afterwards , it's good hygiene.."

Chris laughed and then hit me on the arm , "I'm not having sex with him on the first date , I'm not twenty one anymore.." she told me.

I smiled , "Whatever you sayyyy.." I teased and she slapped my arm again.

Kennedy's POV

"I'll come back tomorrow, okay?" I said softly, leaning over the side of mum's hospital bed.

Mum nodded her head gently with a weak smile , "See you later , baby.."

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