crisis on earth-x : PART ONE

Start from the beginning

"Then that's a serious breech of courtesy," Professor Stein said as Sara knocked the man to the ground.

Mick suddenly jumped down next to Sara and handed her a long fighting stick. "Weddings are the worst."

Professor Stein watched as his friends took down the rest of the men, and then looked up when he saw the Waverider hover above them. "All right, team, let's go! We got a wedding to prepare for!"


National City. A man was walking to his car from his office building, very pissed while on the phone with someone, most likely his assistant. "Wrong answer. When I tell you to get someone on the phone, that doesn't mean five minutes, that means right now. I don't care if they're busy, you make it happen. Otherwise, you're not gonna be able to afford a phone." Suddenly, Supergirl and a Dominator crashed into a car, whilst fighting. "My car!"

As the female hero and the alien fought, suddenly Iris boomed into the girl's ear. "Kara, I thought you were fighting King Shark."

"Well, now I'm here fighting a Dominator," Supergirl said before she punched it again.

"I'm scrambling a strike team."

"There's no time, she's on her own. Supergirl, identify the threat so we can help you fight it."

"Whatever it is, it came out of deep orbit and it is mad."

"So it's alien?"

"Well, it's definitely not NASA."

"Is it Czarnian?"

"Or Hellgrammite?"

"Guys, she just said what it was."

Supergirl punched the Dominator down again as she huffed. "Dominator." The alien then stood up again and faced the super. She cracked her knuckles where the Dominator ran at her but, Supergirl punched it right in the jaw, knocking it down. "These guys are so last year."


Staring at the screens to see her girl did it once again, Iris smiled before turning back just to see Mon-El had walked up to her. But seeing him too, Alex stood by her. "I heard there was a fight. Is Kara okay?"

"She's fine. She's Supergirl," Iris said before she walked past him, Alex following her while Mon watched them go.

Iris's Apartment

That night, Iris sat on her couch, wallowing in self pity when Alex walked up to her, handing her a glass of wine. "I can't believe Mon-El just showed up like nothing was wrong. He's just been everywhere lately, anywhere where I am."

"I think he was just trying to make things seem normal," Alex said.

"Normal?" Iris questioned. "The man I love, who I thought was dead, is alive. And every night I'd make up all these scenarios in my stupid little head of how I'd see him again and now he's actually here, but, guess what? He's married."

Alex stared at her with a frown but Iris just sighed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be complaining. I know you're still dealing with the pain of Maggie."

"At least, we have each other. And misery loves company," Alex said and Iris let out a small chuckle.

"God, that's depressing," she said.

"Mmm-hmm," Alex hummed before getting up off the couch. "And on that note, I'm gonna get another drink." Iris took a sip of her wine when Alex came across Kara and Barry's wedding invitation. "Iris...what's this?"

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