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    A tall brunette ran under the cloudy sky as it started to downpour. As she was barely dodging the puddles that began to spread throughout the streets, she finally arrived at her destination.

A large sign greeted her with bold lettering, it read "Aoba Johsai". The brunette continued forward hoping to arrive early to her first class, however as soon as she entered the building there was a large crowd of girls swarming a smiling male, in the hallway.

"Ugh" she groaned audibly, not wanting to deal with the obnoxious crowd. So instead, like any normal human being, she walked in the opposite direction. She walked down the left hallway hoping to find the office. As she waltzed down the hallway she finally came across the large room. "Um..... excuse me? Miss?" She asked the secretary.

"Why yes my dear? What do you need?" She said, pushing her rectangular, black glasses up her nose with a huge smile.

"Uh, I was hoping to get my schedule and locker number? Oh sorry. I'm Miya Kaiya, the new student." The girl introduced herself.

   "Oh why yes!" She said clamping her hands together. "I've been waiting for you! Here you go!" She said as she gave Kaiya her class information.

  "Thank you! Have a good day!" Kaiya smiled as she started to turn around.

   "Yes you too!" The secretary smiled back. Kaiya looked down at the piece of paper she was given as she walked through the doorway, still hoping to get to class early. As she continued walking, she suddenly hit a large wall, causing both them and her to drop their books. She looked up in shock as the two boys looked down in surprise.

  "I am so sorry!" Kaiya yelled as she bowed down in apology. Her face burned red with embarrassment, as she bent down to gather the books that were dropped.

   "No, no. It's okay! It was partly my fault I wasn't looking where I was going!" The black haired boy slightly yelled as he dropped down to help her. "Oh! I'm Kindaichi Yūtarō, year 1 class 3. You must be new, I haven't seen you around before." He said as he started to get up.

   "Uh ya...." She said as she scratched her neck. Her face still slightly red. "Uh, I'm Miya Kaiya," she stuttered as she looked down at the paper she was given, "year 1 class 5."

   "Oh cool! We're the same year!" He smiled. "Oh! This is Kunimi Akira! He's in class 4."

  "I could've introduced my self." Kunimi mumbled, looking the other way. "Anyways, do you need help finding anything?" He questioned.

  "Ya you did miss like, the first three weeks." Kindaichi chimed in.

   "Uh, ya that'd be nice actually! If you could help me find uh," she looked down at her paper again, "locker number 235?."

   "Oh your right next to me! Come on, I'll show you. I'll catch you later Kunimi!" Kindaichi waved as he dragged, Kaiya down the halls. "So Miya, what do you think of the school so far?"

    "Uh, it's quite big. But it's very nice." Kaiya stated. "I'm super excited to join volleyball though. I've heard good things about the team!" She grinned.

   "Uh like the girls? Or the Boys?" He asked wary, as they passed another classroom.

   "Well the girls obviously. I'm hoping to make the team as a setter." She looked off dreamily.

   "Uh...." he scratched his neck not knowing how to break the news to Kaiya. "The girls team, isn't really all that great. It's pretty much just made up of fan girls, who don't know how to do anything. They just want to impress Oikawa." He grimaced, waiting for her reaction.

   "Really?!" She said shocked. "But what about the great volleyball team I heard so much about? It's literally the only reason I came here." She questioned.

   "Uh I think you heard about the boys team. Sorry." He felt bad for having to break the news to her, but it would've happened at some point in time.

   "We'll I'm still going to try out." She stated stubbornly. "They're after school. If the teams really that bad I'll just become manager for the boys team, or something." She shrugged in disappointment, as they finally stopped.

  "Uh, well this is your locker. And I'm going to warn you, I'm not sure if the team will get a manager. All the girls who want to manage are Oikawa's fan girls, and Coach Irihata probably won't let you be one." He sighed hoping she wouldn't just become another fan girl.

   "Hm. Okay, thanks for the warning. But if I might ask..... who's Oikawa exactly?" She questioned her big eyes filled with confusion.

   "You don't know who he is?!" Kindaichi half yelled. Looking for confirmation as she shook her head yes. "Uh, we'll, he's a third year. Captain of the volleyball team. All the girls think he's good looking...... I guess." He stated half confused, that she didn't know who he was. He was "famous" in Miyagi after all.

   "Oh.... He probably has a big ego." She shrugged acting like it was nothing. Kindaichi pondered what she just said in shock. "I don't really care if he's good looking he probably has a trashy personality, especially if he's so called "famous"." She says with her fingers up in the air creating bunny ears.

   "Uh, ya I guess." He said still half shocked. "Well uh anyway, do you want to have lunch with Kunimi and I?" He asked.

    "Sure!" She smiled. "Should we meet here then?" She asked.

   "Ya! That sounds good!" He smiled back. "Well I have to get to class! I'll see you at lunch!" He said walking away. Kaiya decided to start the trek for her classroom as-well. Not being able to find her class, she showed up 5 minutes late.

    "I am so sorry." Kaiya said, bowing as she entered the classroom.

     "No worries. You're Miya Kaiya, the new student? Yes?" The teacher questioned.

   "Uh yes." Kaiya replied.

   "Well how about you take a seat next to Nishimura Sora. Raise your hand please Ms. Nishimura." He asked as a petite black haired girl raised her hand, practically shaking. She sat in the back of the class, off to the right. "By the way, I'm Mr. Ōtsuka, your home room teacher." He clarified.

    As Kaiya made her way to sit next to Nishimura Sora. Almost all of the males of the class were checking out her butt, as the females glared. You see, Miya Kaiya was a good looking girl, and she knew it. She just didn't let it get to her head, like most would.

    "Hello Nishimura, I'm Miya Kaiya. I hope we can be friends." Kaiya smiled.

    "U-uh. I'm, uh Nishimura......." She paused, as she slightly panicked, not knowing what to say, she spit out. "Well, I'm me too." As her face continuously grew more red.

     "Are you okay?" Kaiya questioned with slight worry.

    "Um, ya...... I'm just not great with new people..... I guess." She muttered.

    "That's okay!" Kaiya smiled again. "Would you like to have lunch with me?" Nishimura's head snapped up in shock.

    "R-really?" She squeaked.

   "Yes really." Kaiya giggled. "I like you. We're going to be good friends."

1211 words

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