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A/N; You ever have that weird moment where the chapter after the current one you're writing is already finished but you have no clue what to with this one? Yeah, that was me when writing this chapter lol. I've already had the next one finished when this was still a draft lmao.

Now we're onto Pakku, King of the Privileged Old Bald Guys that are Terrified of Gender Equality ™ (or PKPOBGTGE for short form. Truly a masterpiece, they should hire me to write the next Avengers movie)

Azami P.o.V.

"I'm not one to complain, but can't Appa fly any higher?"

Really. Sokka, not one to complain? Maybe in another, better world, but sure as hell not this one.

"I have an idea," Aang snapped back. "Why don't we all climb on your back and you can fly us to the north pole?"

Azami rolled her eyes, fed up with him. "Will you please shut up?"

"Look, we're all a little tired and cranky because we've been flying for two days straight," Katara reasoned with them, trying to calm the group down.

Apparently, though, Sokka wasn't having any of it, instead seeming determined to make things worse. "And for what?" he demanded, gesturing out at the expanse around them. "We can't even find the Northern Water Tribe. There's nothing up here."

As if on cue, the sound of water splashing caught them all off guard, and they all grabbed onto Appa's saddly tightly as Aang suddenly swerved away from a newly form chunk of ice. If there was one thing Azami loved about their adventure, it was the universe's apparent dedication to prove Sokka wrong.

They tried to dodge another shard of ice, but this one managed to grab Appa's foot and send them spinning out of control until they crashed into the water. Several large boats filled with men in blue parkas surrounded them, and Azami just relaxed knowing they'd finally arrived. "They're waterbenders!" Katara exclaimed. "We found the Water Tribe!"

After a while, they were led to the massive glacier that housed the tribe. Azami had read and heard about it before, but seeing it in person really was something else. She, like the others, simply gasped in awe at the sight of the massive wall defending the entrance.

Once they got close, the men on the boats bent open a tunnel leading underneath the wall, and they sailed in without difficulty. As they passed out from the wall, they arrived in a water lock, which slowly opened up, revealing the massive tribe behind. "I can't believe how many waterbenders there are up here," Katara exclaimed.

Aang smiled back at her. "We'll find a master to teach us no problem."

Glancing back, Azami felt a twinge of unease as she noticed - there were indeed hundreds of waterbenders that they had seen already, yet for some reason every single one of them was male. Hopefully that didn't mean anything much.

They were escorted by another boat through the city, which was built largely out of ice with numerous canals flowing throughout. "This place is beautiful," Katara wondered aloud, echoing Azami's thoughts.

"Yeah... she is," Sokka mumbled. Glancing back, Azami's eyes narrowed in anger at the sight of Sokka staring a teenage girl with white hair as she sailed past them. Her mind instantly cast back to memories of what had happened before their encounter with Bato, when he'd screwed up their relationship.

It wasn't like she was blind. She'd seen him staring at her on occasion in much the same way, especially after Omashu. Then of course there was his bullshit line after she'd poured out everything to him...

I need you.

She snorted. The only thing he needed was some girl to chase after, and now that she'd turned him down, he'd moved on to the next. Absolutely pathetic. Unfortunately, they would be staying here for a while, so she doubted that this would be the last she heard of it.

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