Duchess: Okay, first things first, Liz are you wearing sun-block? Second, yes I gave him the muffin. Third, EXCUSE ME, are you trying to tell me I’m FAT?!

Bookworm: Yes, I remembered to put on the sun-block!

Duchess: Just making sure! Now, Macey?

Peacock: Why would I call you fat, Bex, you’re totally strong and have an athlete’s body, you’re not fat!

Duchess: You’re bloody right I’m not fat!

Bookworm: Anyway, how are your summers going?

Peacock: There’s the peacemaker, and pretty good even though I have to move around a lot. :)

Bookworm: That’s good, Mace. :)

Duchess: Well, my summer has been absolutely fabulous! Starting from when we got this program to communicate and what’s happening currently with Grant becoming my boyfriend and visiting me in London! :D :D :D

Bookworm: That’s amazing Bex! Good for you! :)

Peacock: Yeah, good for her.

Duchess: Jealous? ;)

Peacock: No, of course not! Macey McHenry doesn’t get jealous!

Duchess: Sure.

Peacock: Whatever, I’m not jealous.

Duchess: Are, too!

Peacock: Are not!

Duchess: Are, too!

Peacock: Are not!

Bookworm: Well, my summer has been great, thank you!

Duchess: Oh, sorry Liz, that’s good for you! :)

Peacock: Sorry, I was too distracted to ask you, Liz! :)

Bookworm: It’s okay, I still love you guys anyway. ;)

Chameleon has logged on

Chameleon: Is there enough love for me, too?

Bookworm: Of course Cam!

Chameleon: Good to know, so, what’s up?

Bookworm: Nothing really, other than our summers and Bex’s non-fatness.

Chameleon: You’re not fat Bex!

Peacock: Thank you! If Cammie’s not calling you fat then neither am I!

Duchess: I know, I know!

Chameleon: Just making sure...

Duchess: You know, I didn’t even bring it up.

Chameleon: Who did?

Duchess: Our lovely Peacock over there. ;) She started talking about how I gave Grant the muffin and how I didn’t need it.

Peacock: Don’t call me that!

Chameleon: Oh, I see what you mean then, and btw I didn’t think you would actually give him the muffin. We all know how you love them. ;)

Duchess: I-

Peacock: Face it Bex, you love Grant so much that you’re willing to give up your precious food for him!

Duchess: I-

Bookworm: I think Macey’s right, I mean, you’ve never really given up food before!

Chameleon: Ooooh, what’s it like to be in love, Bex?

Duchess: *breathes out in relief* Finally, a way to dig myself out of this hole! The answer to your question Cammie is... the same way you feel about Zach!

Chameleon: ... Wait! You didn’t deny loving Grant! :D

Peacock: *sighs* Look, Liz and I both know that you to are in love with your so-called boy toys. Isn’t that right Liz? :)

Bookworm: Definitely, we’ve been waiting for you to admit it (or not deny it in this case)!

Peacock: See?

Chameleon: You realize this doesn’t work because Zach isn’t my boyfriend, right? Or boy toy?

Peacock: Oh, he is, you and him just don’t realize it yet. *grins creepily*

Chameleon: Um, okay?

Peacock: Good, you understand, now back to Bex! ;D

Bookworm: Yes, I wanted to know some of the things Grant has been saying lately, for the Boy-to-English translator...

Peacock: That’s not really what I meant Liz...

Bookworm: I know, but it felt like the right moment.

Chameleon: Whatever you say Liz...

Peacock: Anyway, so Bex! What’s happening with you and Grant?

Duchess: Oh, you know, the normal boyfriend/girlfriend stuff and lots and lots of sight seeing. :)

Peacock: So has your sight been seeing lots and lots of Grant’s lips/eyes?

Duchess: ...

Chameleon: Ha! Try to dig yourself out of this one, Bex!

Peacock: No, Cammie, just no.

Bookworm: Wait! Cammie didn’t ask a question! Am I missing something?! Do I need to check my laptop again? I just checked it like five minutes ago! Hold it, why is no one answering me?! OH MY GOSH! What’s happening?!

Peacock: Woah there, Liz, just calm it down... It’s all going to be okay. No one asked Cammie a question. Just forget about it...

Bookworm: Okay that’s good. *deep breaths*

Chameleon: Okay then, now that we got that covered, ha! Eat it, Bex!

Duchess: Eat what?

Chameleon: It’s an expression, Bex.

Duchess: But I don’t want to eat anything.

Chameleon: I didn’t say you had to.

Duchess: Good, cause I wasn’t going to anyway.

Chameleon: *sighs* Of course you weren’t, Bex.

Duchess: I know. :)

Peacock: Hey, I hate to break up this little... whatever you have going on, but I have to get moving. I’m a girl with a very busy schedule, so bye! :)

Bookworm: I’m heading out, too, so bye girls!

Chameleon: I might as well leave then, bye!

Duchess: Well, in case you didn’t notice, I’m not the type to stay on a chat by themselves, so, see you later! ;)

Chameleon, Duchess, Bookworm, and Peacock have logged off


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