Duchess: No, no one comes to mind.

Chameleon: Why are you looking?

Hotshot: Did you read mine and Zach’s statuses? He’s out to get me, I’m taking cover!

Duchess: I don’t he means it literally Grant. Calm down.

Hotshot: Hold on, I just heard a knock on my window...

Chameleon: Ok, so Bex-

Hotshot: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Zach’s standing right outside of my unbarred windows! HELP!

Duchess: Hmm, that’s funny I didn’t think he was serious...

Chameleon: So this proves Zach has feelings for me after all.

Hotshot: How can you be thinking that at a time like this, he’s almost in! Ok, Bex if I don’t make it out of this alive I really like y-

Hotshot has been disconnected

Chameleon: At least he admitted his true feelings...... too bad you might never see him again.

Duchess: This kinda sucks.

Chameleon: I hear ya.

Duchess: I guess I’m gonna go try and figure out if Grants alive. Bye, Cam.

Chameleon: See you soon, Bex!

Duchess has logged off

Bookworm and Hacker have logged on

Bookworm: Cammie, guess what?

Chameleon: You and Jonas both tripped over air at the same time and landed in a pool of pudding?

Bookworm: Wha? No, I was talking about who won our game, except this time we just-

Hacker: tied.

Chameleon: Um, ok, so how do you feel about this?

Bookworm: Well, I was getting-

Hacker: to that.

Bookworm: Before I was-

Hacker: interrupted.

Bookworm: Would you-

Hacker: stop that? Nope.

Bookworm: Excuse-

Hacker: me?

Bookworm: You know what, Cammie I-

Hacker: like Jonas?

Bookworm: Well, I was going to go with “am leaving,” but what you said works, too. :)

Hacker: I like you, too Liz. :)

Chameleon: Awww. That was a cute, but slightly rude way to admit your feelings.

Bookworm: Ikr? Um... I’m going to go now Cammie.

Hacker: Me, too, bye!

Chameleon: Bye, little love birds. ;)

Bookworm and Jonas have logged off

Shadow has logged on

Chameleon: Hi, Zach.

Shadow: Hello, Gallagher girl.

Chameleon: Um, so is Grant alive?

Shadow: Sadly, yes.

Chameleon: What did you do to him?

Shadow: ....It’s better you don’t know.

Chameleon: Does Bex know he’s alive?

Shadow: I think so, I’m pretty sure that’s who he was talking to on the phone as I left. Cause I really don’t think he would call his mom, British Bombshell.

Chameleon: Oh, well that’s good.

Shadow: ....So, Cammie, you find me attractive?

Chameleon: And you are deeply in love with me and have dreams about me?

Shadow: Hmm, maybe I should have thought that through before saying that...

Chameleon: Probably.

Shadow: Actually Cammie, I like you...

Chameleon: Really?

Shadow: Yes, I’ve known for sure from the first time I kissed you at Gallagher.

Chameleon: I like you, too Zach.

Duchess, Bookworm, Peacock, Hotshot, and Hacker have logged on

Peacock: I told you, you needed to let it out, Cammie. ;)

Bookworm: Sorry for ruining your moment, but you guys will be perfect together.

Duchess: I’ll approve of him, Cam, when Grant’s black eye heals.

Hotshot: That wasn’t so hard, was it Zach?

Hacker: Um... congratulations?

Chameleon: Thanks everyone, but I think I’m going to go now. *awkwardly smiles and waves bye*

Shadow: Yeah, catch you later, Cam.

Chameleon and Shadow have logged off

Peacock: Well, that was fun, but I really have to be somewhere right now.

Bookworm: I’m going out with the family, so goodbye. :)

Duchess: Bye, I’m going to go, too.

Hotshot: See you all soon.

Hacker: Bye, and Grant, why would we all be seeing you soon?

Hotshot: I’ll be in you’re dreams of course. ;)

Hacker: .......

Duchess, Bookworm, Peacock, and Hacker have logged off

Hotshot: You can’t run from the truth! Or leave them in a chatroom for that matter...

Hotshot has logged off


That’s it, please comment, vote, and fan. Hope you liked it! :)


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