The Beginning of the End

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Words: 1400

A/N: Sorry for the 1 month hiatus, my cousin recenly died. Ikkk you guys are probably like omg im so sorry so am I but i only met him once. It was my family that was really sad so I had to be there for them and also like ive stated before Math is a BITCH!!! Anyways yeah enjoy and dont worry no more one month hiatues for me. XOXO, Author 😘✌🏽

I woke up with a massive headache and my hand covered in bandages. I looked around and noticed that this wasn't my room. 'Well if this isn't my room then who's is it?' I asked myself. 'Actually how'd I even get he-' before I had time to finish my thought the door opened. I looked at the doorway to see Sasuke with a damp cloth in one hand and bandages on another. "Wow so this is your room. It's so... bland. Then again I wouldn't really expect anything big cause this is just an Akatsuki hideout." I told him.

"Just shut up. Ughh I don't even know why I'm doing this." Sasuke said while putting the cloth beside him.

"Fine you won't hear anything else from me." I joked. He began to unwrap the bandages on my hands. When they were fully uncovered I could see all the gashes and cuts that were on my hands. It hurt really bad when he put the cloth on my wounds. "Ouch be a little more careful." I complained.

"Well then maybe you shouldn't punch a mirror multiple times." Sasuke replied.

It was quiet for about 3 minutes before I asked him, "Why are you doing this?".

"Because I can't have a valuable asset hurt we are in a war after all. And I hate to say this but... I'll need your help." Sasuke muttered.

"Ok then." I answered. After he was done he left and I decided to sleep. I woke up about 5 hours later and got out of his bad. I went to my "room"  to change into better clothes. I looked around to see I actually had no extra change of clothes. I then walked out and made my way to Konans room and preceded to look through her closet. I went through all the clothes until I found one I liked. I then made my way ti the bathroom took a shower and changed into Konans old clothes.

 I then made my way ti the bathroom took a shower and changed into Konans old clothes

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After that I left the base and went to go and meet up with Obito and to my dislike Kabuto was there.

"Hello Ren, new outfit I see." Obito said.

"Lets cut it with the chit chat, what do you need me to do?" I asked.

"We'll we need eyes on the inside when this war begins. We need you to infiltraite they're intel and communication Im wanted in every sinlge village and they know how I look like." I said.

"I knew you were gonna ask that thats why we have her." Obito said then summoned a body of what seemed to be a dead kunoichi. "Shes from the Sand village and is supposed to be working with the Allied Shinobi Forces intel unit. Her name is Ichika, do whatever you need to do in order to be her." Obito told me. After that he and Kabuto explained how I would relay the information then left and I was just standing there with a dead body infront of me. 'Im sorry that they had to kill you.' I said in my mind. I cut her finger and licked the blood out of it. I now knew all of her jutsus and secret techniques. After that I took her body and gave her a proper burial before using a transformation jutsu and leaving to the cloud village.

By the time I got there I had tranformed into the 5'5 brunette with brown eyes. I went to the tent that was handing out ninja headbands and took one. Then I asked around and eventually made my way to the base. There I met wit other ninja who I was going to be "working" with. After we all got aquainted we met Inoichi. He explained our jobs and I was tasked with making sure no one eavsdropped or messed with our comms unit. "How ironic," I whispered to myself. All of a sudden I felt a familiar presence and tensed up when I saw who it was. Shikaku and Shikamaru had both walked in to tell Inoichi something. In that moment Shikamaru's eyes met mine and we both looked away.

Shikamaru's POV:

My dad and I went inside to talk to Inoichi about some recent information we just got and I felt someone staring straight at me. I turned my head and made eycontact with some girl from the Sand Village. I couldnt describe it but something was definitley off about her. I looked over again and she was still staring. "Is there a problem you have with me?" I asked her infront of everyone.

Ren's POV:

'Shit why is he here?! He hasn't been eating right i can see it on his face. Also his ponytail is sloppy, probably did it himself. Yeah that would explain it and-'

 "Is there a problem you have with me?" Shikamaru asked snapping me from my thoughts.

"O- oh n- n- no I was simply...... staring off into space. Yeah thats right, just lost in my own thoughts." I answered

"Awkward, its clear she likes him" I heard somone whisper. I turned my head and gave them a death glare. While Shikamaru just shrugged but i knew in his mind he was going through all the diffferent possiblities I was really staring at him. After that he left then it was just Shikaku and Inoichi. Inoichi explained how Shikaku was going to be the Chief Battle Strategist of the division. After that we went to our posts and started our jobs.

Timeskip 3 hours into the war**

Even though it had only been 3 hours a lot of things had happened. I took a bathroom break and went to summon my bat Komori and sent Obito all the details about Shikaku's plan so far. I quickly went back before anyone could become suspicious. 

Timeskip 10  hours into the war**

It had been abou 3 hours and I was reliveing one of the comuunication ninjas then Shikaku called me over. "Hey can you take over for me?" I asked someone standing by. He took over and I made my way over to Shikaku calmly. 

"So Ichika I understand that you helped with war strageies back in the sand, am I correct?" he asked.

'Shit! I dont know this much about her. Oh well fake it till you make it.' 

"Uh yes that is correct Mr. Nara." I stated. It was a very slight and almost unoticable change but his eyebrows move downwards for just a second until his face went back to normal. He basically asked for my opinion on certain things and wanted to know if his plan could improve. I had assured him that everything was perfect and all he did was chuckle. He sent me to go get some food and we ate and talked more about the stragegy. It was nice I hadnt felt this so care free in a while, even though I was an undercover rogue shinobi and he didn't know it was me it still pained me. He was almost like a father figure to me, hell hes the love of my lifes dad. Thats the best im ever going to get. After about 2 hours of stratigizing i went to take a break and deliver the new stragegy to Obito and Kabuto.

When I got outside i saw a message form Komori it read, 

"Ren, if you want to live listen very closely. I am planning to blow up Headquarters with a Tailed Beast Bomb in the next 30 minutes. I dont want you to make it noticble but steal as much information as you can. Remeber what you are doing this for."                                                                                                                              -Obito

My face dropped and I could feel the tear already threatenting to spill from my eyes. 'If he blows up HQ that means everyone whos here will die. Meaning Shikaku will........'

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