Meeting the Akatsuki

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Words: 1635

Ren's POV:

We were making our through the forest until Shikamaru said something.

"Hey Asuma-sensei, I was just wondering what kind of relationship did you have with this Chiriku guy?" he asked.

"Yeah he seemed like someone important," I added.

"What makes you guys ask that?" he replied.

"Well it has been two days since your last smoke. When a chain smoker like you suddenly kicks the habit cold turkey. Well to me that means somethings up." he stated.

"Very observant," Asuma chuckled, "If the likes of you can read me that easily, I must be getting soft." 

"When you've played enough shogi with someone you learn how to read em like a book," Shika said, "In fact I haven't seen you like this since the death of the third hokage."

Kotetsu and Izumu looked at Asuma as if they felt sorry for him. I was confused because the atmosphere of the conversation just got dark and I didn't know at the time that the third hokage was Asuma's dad.

"As you may know Chiriku and I were once part of the guardian shinobi 12 together. You see in a way we were... Well in a way we were kinda like you and Choji." said Asuma.

"Knowing you sensei I you won't go without a smoke for long," joked Shikamaru.

"Woah you don't think so huh?" He replied.

They began saying some things I couldn't make out as we continued making our way to the collections office. We finally made it and we hid behind the trees waiting for Asuma's signal. Finally he gave it and we put our plan in motion. I made my way to the roof along with Shikamaru.

"Took you long enough Kakazu," said Hidan. He turned to see Asuma who threw blades at him. He countered that attack with his weapon. While they were fighting Shikamaru was doing his hand signs for his shadow possession jutsu. The jutsu made its way to hidan as Kotetsu and Izumu stabbed him with their swords. He began to bleed as we all smiled at our victory or at least we thought until he asked, "How that hurts. Who are you people?"

"What the fuck," I whispered to myself obviously in shock. I was sure that they hit both of his vital points.

"Quit sticking it in like that. I said knock it off it hurts." He stated.

"Is he immortal or something?" asked Izumo.

"Isn't that obvious you fool, now then once again who are you people?" he asked one  again.

"We are shinobi of the leaf village. Our orders are to capture or eliminate you Akatsuki." Asuma stated.

"We already know you operate in pairs and since we can't kill you then we'll just just have to kill your partner," I said.

"Not your lucky day," Hidan chuckled, "I'm afraid you chose the wrong one of use to start with."

"Your partner where is he?" Asuma asked.

All of sudden I felt a presence behind me. That must be him I thought, I quickly looked to Shikamaru signaling that we need to jump before he attacked. As we reached the ground I looked up to see a man with green eyes coming straight for us.

"Izumo Kotetsu retreat!" yelled Asuma.

The two Akatsuki started talking and Kakazu agreed to let Hidan handle this. I noticed that he started to make a sign on the floor with his foot.

"Believe me I wish someone would kill me, but that's not possible." Hidan joked.

"I'll attack alone, try to trap Mr. immortal with you shadow stitching. Capture him even if it's on,y for an instant that's all the time Ill need to take his head off." Asuma said to Shikamaru.

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