Ren Ketsueki

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Words: 1473

Shikamaru's POV:

2 months (This is right after Pein destroys the village)

I was laying down on the grass watching the clouds when I heard the news. '6  Anbu members been killed trying to retrieve Ren Ogata.' I kept on repeating the same sentence in my head over and over. 'But that's impossible Ren would never go as far as killing someone right? I mean she would of have to had known that one of those members was my cousin right?'

"Hey Shikamaru come on it's time to go!" my mom yelled at me.

"Ok ok I'm coming," I replied. I got up and dusted my pants off and made way to the cemetery where the whole village gathered to pay their respects to the Anbu. My cousin Sadakata and I were pretty close for family. Always playing and joking around when we were young per. I just couldn't really believe he was gone. I literally just talked to him last week about meeting Ren he sh gets back and now the whole village is gone and she still doesn't know.

Ren's POV:

I've been traveling through the forest for about 7 hours before I reached the what was supposed to be Konoha. Since I was still a bit shaken from the events of yesterday I thought this was another hallucination. I've been having them since I killed those Anbu. 'Nope this really is Konoha, what happened while I was away.'  I jumped down from the tree branch I was standing on and took a deep breath. 'It's ok you can explain everything Granny Tsunade and my dad will understand. But what if  Shika doesn't, no don't think that way everything is FINE.'

"No it's not, you killed us and yet here you are thinking their just going to accept you back." came the voice from the dead Anbu Captain.

"Yeah they're probably planning your execution right now." Added the dead Nara Anbu.

"N- no your wrong i- it was a mistake I-" I stuttered out.

"Ren?!" yelled a voice.

"G- go away... y- your not r- real!" I cried out while covering my ears. I felt the body move closer closer till it was within reach and I attacked holding my kunai to its neck.

"Shika." I gasped out, "oh my god you scared me."

"Is it true?" He asked.

"Wh- what're you talking about Shika?" I questioned while hugging him.

He shoved me away harshly before repeating his question, "Is it true?"

I looked down on the flor ashamed I needed to own up to my actions. "Y- yes." I said meekly.

He turned his head away and I could hear him take a deep breath. "Why, why did you do that?"

"They killed people very close to me too Shika and they were going to kill me so I- I had no choice."

"No they weren't it was a retrieval mission to bring you back to the village because of the attack."

"That's what they told you huh?"

"That's not what they told me. My cousin was on that mission, he was so excited to meet you too."

Suddenly I felt overwhelmed with guilt as the action of me taking his life replayed in my head. "I'm so sorry for killing him but you have to understand they started it first. Th-."

"I can't forgive you for what you did. You killed those innocent people who had families and friends!"

"And you don't think I know that. You don't think that maybe, just maybe I did it for a reason and not just to entertain myself. Are you really going to believe the council over me, you girlfriend."

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