[Filler] Spa Night

428 8 2

Words: 1130

**Reminder this is a flashback filler so that means it's still canon just a flashback.

Shikamaru's POV:

"What do you mean your bored?" I asked.

"I mean it gets boring just laying down looking at the sky sometimes." Ren replied.

"Your the one who wanted to go out tonight though." I explained sitting up from my comfortable position on the ground.

"Yeah when I said go out I meant something like going to a restaurant or movie or something." Ren complained.

"Troublesome woman how was I supposed if you didn't tell me." I said.

"Your one of the most smartest ninja in the Leaf and you couldn't figure out a better date idea then what we've been doing for the past 1 1/2 months. Ya know what I'm taking over this date. Meet at my house in 20 minutes bring snacks and a change of clothes, I'll take care of everything else." She got up and kissed my cheek then skipped away. 

'Why do I put up with this. Oh right I really like her like a lot.' I blushed saying to myself. I finally recollected my thoughts and went to get clothes and snacks. When I was done knocked on her door and was surprised at how hyper she was. "Hey Shika you brought the snacks right?" Ren asked quickly.

"Uhh yeah got your favorite dangos too." I said holding them up.

"Ok thanks Shika," she said kissing my cheek and taking the snack out of my hands.

"So what exactly are we doing tonight that your so excited about?" I questioned.

"Shika welcome to our first official SPA NIGHT!! Tonight will consist of doing face masks, braiding hair, watching movies, and many more!" Ren exclaimed.

"What a drag." I grumbled, "Do I have to do this."

"Yes it's your sworn duty as my boyfriend now come on first we're doing hair." she stated. Ren dragged me towards her bedroom and sat me down on the floor. She took out a brush and began to brush my hair.

"Has anyone ever told you you have really soft hair?" Ren whispered. 

"Yeah multiple times actually." I answered.

"What?! Who is this other woman in your life Shika?!" She yelled.

"You dumbass." I chuckled.

"Oh yeah that's right." She remembered.

After a painful 15 minutes she was finally done. "Tada how do you like it?" She asked.

I looked in the mirror for a good second 10 before realizing what she had done. My hair was parted down the middle and braided into two Dutch braids. "Why did I let you convince me into letting you do this?" I questioned myself.

"Because I'm your girlfriend and you wanna make me happy. Now say thank you that took a lot of time to do considering how much you move around." she demanded.

"Uhh thanks." 

"Your welcome now my turn."

"Ok ok hand me the brush." She plopped the brush in my hands and I began to work. After a grueling 30 minutes I finally finished. "Ok woman I'm done." I stated.

She got up to go look in the mirror and stood there shocked. "Shika it looks... amazing! Where'd you learn to do this."

"We'll my mom made me go to the library a lot when I was younger and I read a lot of books on hair and hairstyles. They had a lot of pictures and it would be a drag to read books with a lot of words." I explained. I had parted her hair into four sections and fishtail braided all of them. I smiled to myself, 'She's really enjoying this.'

"Ok dokey now time for the next activity. Face Mask!!" She said in a singsong voice.

"Do we have to I mean we can just go on th-." I was cutoff with a kiss. Her lips glided across mine. We were perfectly in sync and I didn't want it to end. That's when she pulled away.

"There will be a lot more where that came from if you do all the Spa Night activities." She whispered in my ear and pulled me into the bathroom. Ren took out a container filled with a black cream of some sort.

"So basically this is the facemask we'll be doing tonight. You have to leave it on for ten minutes before washing it off." She instructed me before smearing it all over her and mine's faces. 

"So what's the facemask for anyways?"

"I don't know really. Ino just said it was good for you face. Something about poles closing or something like that."

I couldn't help but laugh at her. "You meant pores opening." I corrected her.

"Yeah yeah same thing." she said before smacking the back of my head.

"Wow what was that for?"

"That's for laughing at me. Now let's go wash this thing off. It's starting to itch."

"Okay woman."

We washed it off and I have to admit it did do wonders for my skin. After that we sat on the couch and she began to open  the snacks while I looked for a movie. About 45 minutes into the movie Ren got up.

"Hey where are you going." I complained.

"Sorry I just had to get something real quick." She answered. Ren sat down and I got comfortable again by using her chest as a pillow. It was about 5 minutes of peace before I saw a bright white flash my eyes. 

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I just wanted to take a picture so we can remember our first Spa Night." she explained holding out a picture of me half asleep watching the movie and her smiling. "Here you keep it. We're going to be taking a lot more anyways." she said as she hand me the photo.

"Thanks," I replied folding the photo up and putting it in my pocket, "Now can we get back to the   movie please."

"Sure Shika." she giggled.

5 bowls of popcorn, 2 bathroom breaks, and 3 movies later she was finally asleep. I made sure to lift her slowly so she wouldn't wake up. I layed her down on her bed. She looked so peaceful sleeping. "Goodnight Ren Ogata." I said kissing her forehead before walking out of the room. I would never actually say this out loud but tonight was fun and much needed. If we were to do it again I wouldn't complain as much.

A/N: Hey guys how'd you like the filler. I feel like it was much needed since I didn't really get to write them as a couple. I will be doing these fillers when needed maybe once every 6 chapters or whatever. Anyways don't forget to follow my TikTok to know when I update animegirl_5120. XOXO, Author 😘

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