Meet the Parents

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Ren's POV:

Dinner at his house?! Why did I agree to this, what if his parents are there and I make a fool of myself I thought.

"If your wondering about my parents they should be asleep by now." he said as if he read my mind.

"That's good- I mean I just never met them before an- an," I said tripping over my words.

"It's fine if you told me I was to meet that Percy sage father of yours I'd be acting like you too."

"Well I'm sorry if this is our first date and I'm already having dinner at your house."

"Yeah well most of the restaurants are closed now so this is our best option."

We finally made it to his front door and as he was about to open the door it suddenly swung open. "Shikamaru Nara what who do you think you are arriving home at this hour. Me and your father have been worried sick " she yelled pointing towards a man half asleep on the couch.

"Shikaku wake up and come and talk to your son."

"Uh- oh son listen to your mother," the man said, "who's this girl with you?" 

"What a drag," Shikamaru whispered.

"Shikamaru why didn't you tell us you were bringing company I would've cleaned up more." Mrs. Nara said while rushing to clean their house.

Shikamaru walked into the house and motioned me to come in. "Hi I'm Ren Ogata." I said introduced myself.

"Is this the girl you've been telling us about. Oh she is pretty an-" said Mrs. Nara

"Mom not here," whispered Shikamaru.

"Oh right sorry. Anyways would you like to have dinner us. We haven't eaten since we were waiting ever so patiently for our son." Yoshino stated.

"Umm sure." I replied.

Shikaku lead us to the dining room where we sat down me next to Shikamaru and Yoshino in front of me and Shikaku in front of Shikamaru.

"So Ren I have never seen you around the village before why is that?" Shikaku asked.

" I just got back from traveling with my dad and Naruto." I replied.

"Does that mean your father is Jiraiya?" he asked.

"Yes it does." I said, "Mrs. Nara this food tastes amazing." I complimented.

"Oh please Ren call me Yoshino." she said with a smile on her face.

After that we sat talking, joking and eating with eachother. When we were done I offered to help cleanup but she said she was fine. Shikamaru then lead me to his room and asked if I knew how to play shogi I said no and he offered to teach me. After about 2 hours of him teaching me we both decided that maybe shogi wasn't my strong suit.

"It's really late maybe you should stay over? O- only if you want to of course." he offered.

"Sure, I mean it is late." I replied.

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