The Plan

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Words: 1418

Shikamaru POV:

I was laying down on the grass looking at clouds until Choji interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey Shikamaru are you okay because ever since you came back from that walk you've been acting weird?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm fine just... tired." I replied lazily.

"Oh ok anyways I heard Ren's back but she went to go see 6th hokage." Choji informed.

I didn't reply, I didn't need to see her at least not the her she's become anyways. 

"Shikamaru, why don't you visit her she is your girlfriend and she will need comfort knowing that her dads dead. I mean if that were me I-." He said.

"Can you just shut up Choji for once!" I yelled at him.

"Okay Shikamaru just calm down. What did I ever do to you?" Choji asked.

"Nothing I'm sorry I yelled at you it was uncalled for." I apologized.

All of a sudden Sai and Sakura walked up to us. "Hey Shikamaru sorry about the news." Sakura said.

"What news?" I asked.

"About Ren shes an enemy of the Leaf now too." Sai stated bluntly.

"What?!" Choji yelled.

"Would you like me to repeat that I thought I said it pretty clearly." Sai asked.

"No no no I heard what you said but how is she an enemy of the hidden leaf?" Choji questioned.

"They said she's killed over 7 anbu for no reason." Sakura explained.

"But that seems so unlike her maybe she was framed," Ino said, she had saw us talking and wanted to see what it was about.

"Yeah ma-." Choji didn't get to finish before I interrupted him.

"No it was her she told me herself. Back when I was talking a walk through the forest I bumped into her. She didn't look the same her hair was chopped to her neck and her clothes were all torn  and bloody." I explained, "I don't remember everything said word for word but all I know is that's not the Ren I fell in love with, the Ren we all know isn't there anymore." That's all I said then walked away. 'God why did does it hurt so much to even think about her. She killed innocent people who have family including my cousin. She's she's not Ren I do y know who hat is.'

Ren's POV:

"Hey everyone I'm so excited to be joining you guys on, what is it you guys goal again. I forgot I'm honestly just here because you guys have the information and resources I can use to kill the elders and the anbu of the hidden leaf." I grinned.

"I like her she's hot." said a boy with sharp teeth.

"Wow Suigetsu so mature I'm Karin Uzamaki by the way." a girl with red hair said. "And this shark boy over here is Suigetsu."

"And I'm Jugo." said the ginger right by them.

"Yeah yeah uh huh who're?" I asked pointing to the Uchiha. I just wanted to make sure that he was actually Sasuke. 'Naruto has told me about me before I should be careful.'

"Sasuke Uchiha." he stated bluntly.

"Ahh an Uchiha how fascinating I've never met one of you before maybe that's because your clan was massacred dont worry mine was too so we're like almost the same." I stated.

Everyone in the room just started at me in shock. 'I bet nobody's been that upfront with him before.' 

"What I thought everyone knew that." I said innocently.

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