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Ren's POV:

Word Count: 1029

He scouted over so I could lay next to him. At first we were facing away from each other then I turned over and started playing with his hair. I heard a soft moan which meant he was enjoying the light head massage I was giving him. This went on for another 5 minutes till he turned over.

"You know you really are beautiful." he whispered while tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Thanks," I said back, "And you aren't so bad yourself Nara."

We gazed at each pother for what felt like an eternity but was only a few seconds. Then he leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked a first but returned the kiss. "Troublesome woman he groaned. His lips made his way to my neck sucking until he found my sweet spot. I let out a soft moan, what he was doing felt good. As we continue to make out we heard a faint knock on the window and we quickly stopped what we were doing. He got up to go and check who was knocking and of course it was Naruto.

"Hey Shikamaru!" he whisper yelled, "Have you seen Ren?"

"Uhhh," he said hill looking back at me. I mouthed no to him signaling I didn't want Naruto to know I was here. "No I haven't seen her." he stated.

"Okayyyyyy," Naruto said eyeing Shikamaru suspiciously, "Well if you do see her tell her that we need to talk k."

"Su-" Shikamaru said but before he was able to finish the blonde haired boy was gone.

"That was close," I said, " Thanks again Shika."

He finally returned to the bed and started spooning me. We stayed like this for awhile till I broke the silence.

"Hey so what are we exactly?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I'm pretty sure we're not friends who flirt with eachoth 24/7 and occasionally make out, so what are we?"

"If I haven't already made it clear I like you a lot Ren and from the little session earlier I could tell you like me too so... will you be my girlfriend?"


"What a drag I knew you were going to say no."

"Actually I was gong to say I would love to be your girlfriend Shika."

I turned my head and gave him a quick peck on the lips before returning to my slumber.

Time skip brought to you by Ichiraku's Ramen.

I woke up and felt something heavy around my waist. I down to see Shikamaru using my chest as a pillow. I lightly stroked his hair waiting for him to wake up.

"Morning," I said cheerfully.

"Good morning," he replied with a kiss on the cheek.

"We should probably get up now." I mumbled.

"Yeah, but I don't feel like it." he whined.

We eventually got up and left the room. His parents were busy out in the town so we were home alone. I made us some eggs and we chatted for awhile before I left to my apartment. When I arrived my dad, Naruto, and Kakashi-sensei started pestering me with questions about my whereabouts last night.

"You guys chill I was with a friend." I exclaimed.

"No it's not fine you need to tell us where you go at all times." My dad stated.

"Were you with a boy?" Kakashi-sensei asked.

"Ummm next question," I said feeling uneasy.

"Y'know Kakashi-sensei and pervy sage I heard the she was with Shikamaru last night. And when I asked him if he's seen her he hesitated and Shikamaru never hesitates." said Naruto.

" I hope you used protection," mumbled Kakashi-sensei.

"Protection?! You shouldn't even be near boys." Jiraiya angrily said.

"Wha-?!" I exclaimed.

"Didn't you tell me that you guys made out the first day we returned?" Naruto said with a mischievous grin.

"M- Making out?! I know I haven't been the best example but on the first day!" Jiraiya said.

"First off I did not make out with him on the day we arrived I merely kissed him on the cheek. Second I don't need protection because I'm not having sex. And last you guys don't need to know about my love life." I stated rather harshly.

"Bu-," Kakashi tried to say.

"I said end of discussion now if you will excuse me I came here to get my ninja gear." I said while going into my room. They all stood there shocked for awhile while I gathered my things. When I was done I walked out the front door and made my way to the Hokage's office. 

"Hey Ren!" said a cheerful voice.

"Oh hey Ino, where are you headed?" I asked.

"The hokage's office I heard that she has a very important mission for us."

"Really me too."

We both made our way into the office which was packed with chunin and jonin alike. We stood in a group while the hokage explained the mission to us. "That's all I have to say." stated Tsunade, "If anyone has any questions nows the time."

Asuma raised his hand and asked, "Chiriku is one of the guardian Shinobi I 12, they would've had to get past him. Was he not there or something?" 

The bald man in the front spoke, "Lord Chiriku faced the two Akatsuki all on his own. They caught him down."

Everyone turned their heads to face Asuma. I sensed that maybe they had known each other before this.

"For the pride of the Hidden Leaf Village and above all the safety of the Land of Fire we must not allow them to roam free. I wanna learn what their motives are but be warned these enemies are formidable, do not allow them to leave the Land of Fire. If you cannot detain them they are to be slain. That's it you have your orders. Go!" Tsunade yelled.

We all made our way with our teams making our way out of the village. My team consisted of me,  Asuma, Kotetsu, Izumo, and Shikamaru.

A/N: Sorry I had writers block so it took me awhile to write this chapter. Let me know how you guys feel about the book so far.  XOXO, author

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