Awakening Pt. 2

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Words: 1139

3rd POV:

"Hey boss you alright." one of the men asked.

"I can't feel my arms or legs!" he yelled back.

"What do you mean?"

"That creepy bitch must've done some type of jutsu on you, if so then it should wear off sooner or later."

"Ok let's hope so."

3 months later***

"It's been three months and I still can't move my limbs, why?" the man said.

"Well it seems that they have suffered irreparable damage and you are now paralyzed for life."

"Wha- that little bitch she's gonna pay."

"Hey boss should we send the hawk now?"

"Yeah and tell em that we also know that she's in the hidden leaf too."

Ren's POV:

It's been three months since I fought those men in the streets. When I came home it was hard to make up an excuse but my dad is extremely gullible so he believed me. Shikamaru on the other hand was a bit skeptical at first but he just stopped asking. So far we've just been going on missions and trying to obtain more info on the Akatsuki. For now I've been looking for anything that has to do with the mark in my arm and so far I haven't been able to find anything.

After looking in the library for another 2 hours today I came across a term kekkei genkai. So it's a special ability passed down from a clan I said to myself. Well as far as I know dad doesn't have a kekkei genkai so it must be from my mom. Every time I've asked my dad about her he'll just say it was a one night fling and nine months later she had me and died. Maybe I should ask Tsunade I mean she was the one who helped birth me maybe she'll know something. I got up and made my way to the hokage's office.

I opened on the door and I saw my dad and Tsunade talking to my dad. They seemed to be arguing about something.

"I'm not letting you go alone!" Tsunade yelled.

"All I know is that this conversation is over." my dad replied.

"Umm is this a bad time?" I asked.

"Oh hey honey, nope you can have her I'm done." He said before leaving out of the door.

"What is it you want Ren?"

"I've been wondering, do you know anything about my mom?"

"Ah so the time has finally come. You should sit down it's gonna take awhile."

She explained that my dad and mom met here in Konoha and dated for a while and decided they were better off as friends. When my mom found out she was pregnant she told my dad they decided to keep me and raise me together. Her name was Izumi and she was from a very powerful clan with a kekkai genkai that was wanted by all nations so it wasn't safe for us to stay in konoha. We would travel with the clan village to village. It was 7 years before i was brought back to Konoha by mother and she just left. From what she knows there hasn't been any sign of her death but there is no sign of where she is today.

I stood there shocked at what I just found out.

"He lied to me," I whispered with tears in my eyes.

"What was that?"

"Oh umm sorry thank you for telling me I have to leave now."

"Ok get home safe."

I walked out of the building with my grief turning into anger. My father lied to me and said my mother was dead. For 7 years I knew her and lived with her. I had other relatives that I probably knew and loved. But most importantly why did I remember none of that. The earliest thing I can remember was me traveling with my dad but I was sure I was like 5 when that happened so this doesn't make any sense. I finally made it to our apartment and decided to confront him.

"Dad I have a question and I already know the answer so don't try to lie."

"Ok no need to be so harsh with it."

"What happened to mom?"

"She died after you were born honey I already told you this."

"Uh- after all this time and your still lying. I already know what happened and your still LYING!"

"Wha- who told you?!"

"Tsunade she told me about traveling with her for 7 years."

By now I was crying and yelling at him and he just sat there with a blank face."

"I have one more question that I need for you to honestly answer." I gritted out.

He nodded yes signaling me to go ahead.

"How come I don't remember anything from those 7 years?"

"I can't tell you honey I'm sorry."

"No your not if you were really sorry you would tell me why you lied all this time."

" I- I just can't it's for your own good."


"You don't need to know why I do it but it's for your own good."

"I hate you so much right now dad. You've lied to me all my life and now I just find out my dead mother is alive. And don't even get me started on this weird mark that I've had to hide for 4 months now."

"Wait what mark?"

"This one." I uncovered my bandages on my left arm and showed it to him. His face looked as if he was scared.

"Listen to me carefully honey I do t want you going on anymore S or A rank missions. Stick to B and below."

"So now you think you can tell me what to do."


"No don't honey me. You know what I hate you."

"You do t know what your saying."

"I am fully aware of the words that I am saying right now. I hate you I hate the fact that you lied to me all my life. That you've never told me about me lineage and that you still think you can control me!!"

After that I just walked out of the apartment and ran. I didn't even realize that I was running towards the Nara household until I got there. I knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before sleepy Shikamaru answered it.

"What are you doing here?" He yawned out.

"I- I just need to talk to someone. I understand if yo- your busy." I stuttered out.

When he saw the state I was in he said, "No no come in I'm not doing anything."

He led me to his room where I told him everything that happened with Tsunade and the argument with my dad. He stood there with his thinking face. "Wow I- I don't know what to say." Shikamaru said.

"Don't say anything." I replied, "Just lay with me."

He came layed down next to me. I wrapped my arms around his torso and we just layed there in a comfortable silence.

Cloudwatch (Shikamaru x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt