
576 11 3

Words: 1681

Ren's POV:

I've been stuck for this chair for about a day now and I'm starting to get bored. So far I'll I've been able to do is sleep and I'm getting pretty hungry. 'When are they going to come and get me. What if they forgot about me and now I'm stuck here. No Shika would never forget about me neither would my dad or Naruto. I'm sure they'll be here soon.'

4 hours later and still no shinobi. All of a sudden the door burst open. 

"Are you alright?" a soft voice asked.

"No I feel like I'm about to pass out," I replied.

"Here drink this." she said.

She held out a bottle of some strange dark liquid I should've asked what it was first but I was so thirsty that I chugged it all. After that I felt my chakra return to my body. The woman undid my chakra chains and helped me up.

"Thank you so much. I'm sorry I've been rude what's your name?" I said.

"Well my name is Izumi Ketsueki but you can call me mom." Izumi answered.

I was speechless, tears formed in my eyes as I hugged her. I was feeling so many emotions right now that I couldn't express how I felt. My mom was also in tears while hugging me back.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you all those years. I should've stayed but I couldn't, you weren't going to be safe with me." She sobbed.

"It's ok, I'm ok. Dad took great care of me." I said.

We stayed like that for a while tilled I pulled away and gathered myself.

"How did you find me?" I asked.

"Well you see that mark on your left forearm that's the mark of the Ketsueki clan. When it appeared mine started to glow as well because your my child. From then on I started looking for you and that's when I found you here."

"Oh that makes sense."

"We should probably get out of here it's getting dark."

"Yeah probably."

We got up and setup camp in a clearing nearby. She made some food and we ate as I told her about my life in Konoha.

"Ooh this boy Shika that your telling me about is he your boyfriend?" Mom asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"I'd be lying if I said he wasn't." I chuckled.

"Well I'd like to meet him someday,"

"I'm sure you will mom."

"Anyways tell me about your father how's he doing."

"Well he's still a massive perv and he recently published a new Icha Icha book which isn't half bad. Umm he's trained the 4th hokage's son Naruto. I don't really know what he's been up too recently because I'm mad at him for lying to me about you."

"Oh well that Jiraiya, when will he ever learn?"

"Never but that's just a guess."

"Mom I have a question, what happened to our clan?"

"Well Ren when I had you that's when we were first being targeted by other villages. We were kicked out of our home in the Village Hidden in the Cloud. We would travel Village to village never staying somewhere for too long. When you were three you went out to play in the forest and witnessed 5 of our members being killed. From then on I always kept you by my side. You didn't talk for a while after that though. Then when I got married and had your brothers Nagisa and Natsuo was the first time you really smiled for a long time. Things were good for a while then when you were five you and your brothers were at your grandparents and Leaf Anbu came to kill us all but your grandparents sacrificed their lives so you guys could live. You were so scarred that you wouldn't eat for weeks. After about 2 years when you were seven it was your birthday and we were all celebrating. The whole clan was having fun till shinobi and anbu from the leaf appeared. They tied us all up and the three Konoha elders began ordering them to kill. First they did the men and boys which meant I couldn't save Nagisa, Natsuo, and Itsumu my husband. After that they began killing the women and girls we were the last ones to be slaughtered so when they reached me I used the last of my strength to paralyze them and run. When I finally reached your dad in Konoha and told him what had happened we had decided it was best if he stayed with you."

Cloudwatch (Shikamaru x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ