Ch. 79 - Roundtable

Start from the beginning

"Don't forget the time we went searching for them the first time," Lancelot spoke up.

"Oh yeah!" Merlin said. "We did that."

"Wait, Both of you were in the library that time?" Hunter's eyes went wide. He thought only Merlin was there with him teaching him about Amet.

"Yep, Do you not remember when I was injured by a ghost? It was Arthur kicking me for calling him short." Merlin laughed.

Hunter had remembered Merlin yelping suddenly in the private section of the library, though he thought he had hit his leg on the table or something. He hadn't thought of it that much.

"Those were good times, remember when your dad thought we were dating?" Merlin chuckled, reminiscing the good ole days.

"No," Zekaj stated and quickly put an end to that conversation. "And let's keep that in the past."

"I agree," Arthur mumbled.

"There was also when we staked outside your home to get a look at you two, but that's not important," Merlin waved it off.

"You as an apology for trespassing will show us protections from keeping this invisibility and stuff from being able to work in our home," Aegon demanded, his home had been infiltrated, it didn't matter that there were good intentions. Castle Voidborne was his family's home and he'd be damned if they didn't feel safe in it.

"Yeah no problem, will be a good teaching moment for Hunter!" Merlin smiled. "I have so much stuff I can't wait to teach you!"

Merlin was giddy with the idea. He had been taught by his predecessor and now he has to do the same!

"Our spellbook has so much information in it and spells that only we can perform!"

"That brings me to another question," Caroline sat up. "Why can't we see in the book if we can't perform the spells?"

"Why not basically. Keeps the information to ourselves especially some of the more dangerous stuff that others could perform," Merlin explained. "And It's nice to keep some stuff private between us all."

"What like the primordial void and spirit are fucking?" Hunter muttered.

"Yes," Merlin stated. "And they aren't fucking. They're dating."

"Can you please stop with that nonsense?" Lancelot spoke up from the side of the room, he had moved over and was now staring out the window.

"No! I won't until I can prove it. There was no reason for him to be in the Allfather's space! Why was he there taking care of him after Uther assaulted him?" Merlin tried to explain himself but Lancelot was having none of it.

"And we're just supposed to believe this? After you were distraught you probably just misunderstood the situation." Lancelot said coldly from the window.

"I know what I saw!" Merlin groaned, throwing his head back. "None of you understand."

"Was it common for Spirit Demons to be mated to humans back when Camelot was active?" Hunter changed the subject.

"It used to be pretty common for demons and humans, in general, to be mated, but since no one is there to open portals for casual crossing well, it became impossible for a bond to connect since they can't touch to activate the bond," Merlin said. "Town square used to have a portal to both Hell and Earth. They've since closed and now are only legends."

Volveth glanced over at Jaxon sitting by him. Was there a chance that was the reason they weren't mates?

"So we can keep portals like that open by themselves?" Hunter asked Merlin.

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