Chapter 12 : Main Lady

Start from the beginning

"What!You just let her walk out on you like that?You should have at least pulled out a fistful of her
extra long hair extensions." Rachel chastened looking really upset.
That was one thing with the soul sisters,you touched one,you touched all of them.
"Maybe it's truly my fault.I could have stopped him from kissing me the other day and if I had spoken to him instead of worrying over my bruised ego nothing of that sort would have happened." I opined.
"But it's not your fault Jake pays much more attention to you then her since he doesn't make time for her and cuts their dates short..."
"OMG Camilla what's wrong with you?" Rachel lashed as Harry pulled her back down on her seat as she flamed with anger.I could she that she wouldn't hesitate to vent out her anger on Jessica on anything available including Harry and I.
Harry threw her a glare before continuing with what she was saying earlier.
"Jessica is just being jealous and mean . Jake is with the wrong person and I am sure he's realised that too." Harry consoled.
"Nah uh.Jessica is not jealous.She just needs my nails clawing at her throat to bring her back to her senses.I sure wouldn't mind losing a few nails." Rachel cut in giving her nails a once over.

"Jake will come to his senses soon okay?" Harry soothed as I nodded burying my face in her arms.
"I'm so glad for having you both." I said smiling at their efforts to cheer up.
"Aw.We love you to Camilla." They chorused as we embraced.
Rachel dabbed my eyes with her mascara and gave my lips fresh coating of lip stick while Harry fixed my hair into a loose braid.
Very soon,I had new eyes and nice hair
"Now who is ready for a trip to the Big Macs?" Rachel called as soon as they were done.
Harry and I both shrieked a yes as Rachel picked up her purse and car keys as we piled into her car.

"Thanks Babe .See you later." I called out as Rachel dropped me off at the Greene's residence.
I walked to the front door and gave the doorbell a ring.As soon as the front door flew open,Mike rushed to me and engulfed me in a bone crushing hug.
"What's wrong Mike?" I asked patting his hair , fondly looking down at him.
"Why aren't you talking to Jake anymore ?"He asked looking teary eyed.
I nearly jumped with that question as I gently untangled him from my legs and placed him on my lap.
" It's not that Mike..."
"Then what?He doesn't talk to me anymore.He says you hurt him Milly. Do you hate him?"
"No I don't."
"Then you'll talk to him right?" He pressed as I wiped away the tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
I nodded an okay because I was afraid he'd cry some more if I tried arguing with him.
"Now let's go for you to apologize." He smiled taking me by the hand and leading me upstairs to Jay's room.


I gave a tap on the door as Mike cried out,"Camilla's here."

"Yeah,have fun." Jay replied, his door still unopened.

"No!She's here to talk to you."

There was silence for sometime before I heard footsteps and finally the door being opened.
He opened the door a crack and stood leaning on the door way looking at me emotionless.
His hair was a mess.A hot mess of chocolate brown curls.He also looked sleep deprived. You could tell from the bags under his eyes.
His eyes sort of lit up as he scanned my body ignoring the fact that it was inappropriate to stare at a girl for that long.

"I'm sorry for the way I behaved the last time.I didn't mean to shut you out.I was just confused and unsure about myself.If there was a bigger word to say sorry I'd say it because I'm terribly sorry."
He stared at me as I rattled the apology his eyes not leaving me once.
"It was because of the kiss right?" He blurted still leaning against the doorframe.
I looked at him unable to say anything for sometime.
"I didn't mean to kiss you,I just wanted to get the assignment over with .It's not like I wanted to kiss you or something since I've obviously got a girlfriend.So we cool?"
I winced at his words.They stung like bee stings and pierced through my soul.Why was he so blunt?
"Uh sure."I said managing a smile .
" Camilla!"Mike called sharply.
I turned to face him as he looked at me crossly.
"You didn't apologize properly " He fumed.
"But I did ." I whined .
"No you didn't. You didn't hug.Miss Penny says that you must hug after apologizing to a friend.You didn't." he lectured from one of his many preschool lessons.
I sighed and walked up to Jake as he moved from the door way.
I placed my arm around his neck and rested my head in his chest.
I felt him tense up and eventually relax.He put his arms around my waist and drew me close.I caught a whiff of his natural honey and earthy cologne.I stood engulfed in his smell,Oh my did I like it.
Something suddenly didn't want me to draw back.This was an unreasonably long hug with non of us actually letting go.Jay drew me closer for absolute proximity,I felt safe in his arms.
I eventually had to draw back.

"Mike let's go." I said untangling myself from Jay's arms and pulling Mike by his arm downstairs as he smiled wide showing a few of his missing front teeth.
He was obviously proud of himself.

"You made up with Jake Milly." He said.
I smiled wrapping him in a hug.
"Don't ever hurt Jake again okay?" He advised.
I nodded an okay rubbing my nose with his .

Our first lesson for the day hadn't started yet.I glanced over my notes trying my best to keep up with my l'imparfait and Passé composé.
I felt someone nudge me from behind and turned to see whoever that was.
"I can't seem to find my pen.Do you have a spare?"Jay asked as I unzipped my pencil case and handed him a light green pen.
" Oh! And a pencil."He added.
I handed him my polka dotted pencil.
"Merci,thank you" He mumbled.
It was then that I noticed a pen lodged in between his textbook pages.
"Isn't that your pen?" I asked .
"Oh this,I don't know where it came from ." He announced picking it and throwing it behind him .
I looked at him for sometime. What was he up to?

"Belle" He called,oh so my nickname was back.
I turned to look at him fully.

"Why do you always tune yourself out when you're with me? Do you hate me that much?" He asked suddenly.
"I don't hate you." I assured.
Hating him was like the opposite of what I felt for him,how then could I hate him?
"But you're not shy are you?"

"Gosh ,no!"

"Then look into my eyes and tell me that.Stop trying to avoid eye contact Belle, please!" He almost begged.His eyes looked worried and hurt.
It was now or never.

Author's note

Mwah hahaaaa haaa!
*Me laughing evilly*
Okay,so I left you guys hanging with this one right?
Okay,Yeah Yeah swipe down for more.

Stay safe,

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