Care For You (HyukMinLix)

Start from the beginning

The exterior walls were completely made of large glass panels that offered a panoramic view of the entire city surrounding them and the land beyond it, and Felix could hardly breathe as he slowly leaned against it to try and take everything in, the mesmerizing sight along with the sheer height making him dizzy—

"Oh. You must be Felix, right?"

Felix let out a startled squawking noise as he gracelessly spun around and got his feet tangled together. He lost his balance, stumbling a bit, but he managed to miraculously catch himself on the nearest couch before he could fall flat on his face. Flushing a deep red in embarrassment, he then looked up at the newcomer.

The man before him was handsome, with ebony dark hair and features sculpted out of marble. He was dressed neatly, his sleeves rolled up and showing lean muscles, but what mostly caught Felix's eye was the man's sharp, almost feline-like gaze.

Minho, his slow brain supplied. Lee Minho, Mr. Lee's second son.

"Y- yes, that's me," he belatedly answered.

Minho appeared a bit surprised, but his expression quickly smoothed over. "Apologies, I didn't mean to startle you. Do you like the view, then?"

"It's amazing," admitted Felix, glancing behind him. "Different from what I'm used to."

Minho snorted at that. "I can believe that. I've lived here for almost my entire life and I'm still not used to it, to be honest. But anyway, I'm Minho. It's great to finally meet you, Felix."

"You as well, Minho-ssi."

"Oh, none of that. We're brothers now, right? Just Minho is fine – or hyung, if you ever feel comfortable using that." He then jabbed his thumb at the staircase behind him with a small smile. "Would you like to see your room? I'll show you the way."

"O- oh, I don't want to be a bother. If you were busy—"

"I wasn't, don't worry. I was in the kitchen working on tonight's dinner, but I've reached a point where I can only wait for it to cook, now."

"You cook your own food?" gawked Felix as he followed Minho upstairs.

The man shot him a small smirk. "You don't have to sound so shocked, you know?"

"So- sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or anything, I just..."

"You thought we were too rich for that? Well, you're not wrong," mused the older with a small shrug. "We used to have more staff around when we were younger, but we prefer having our privacy now that we're older."

"You and Minhyuk-ssi, you mean?"

"Hmm. I was in a similar position to yours, before. My mother married Mr. Lee when I was barely seven, so hyung and I became brothers – and now you're here, and it's your mother who married Mr. Lee."

"If you don't mind me asking... what happened to your mother?" asked hesitantly Felix as they stopped in front of a door at the end of the hallway.

Minho shrugged again. "Left about ten years ago, taking all the money she could but figuring her son would drain too much of it. But I won't bore you with the drama, hm? Anyway, this is your room – all of your stuff arrived a few days ago, but hyung and I only set up the bigger furniture – we figured you'd rather decorate on your own."

Before Felix could say anything, Minho pushed the door open and walked in, and he had no choice but to follow. He was quite surprised by how spacious the room was, once again, and his surprise only grew when he noticed there was a large walk-in closet on one side of the room, and a large bathroom with a bath and a shower in another adjacent room.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now