Chapter 15 - The Decision

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But for some reason, Su Qing felt his nose suddenly itch. He abruptly turned his head aside and sneezed.

The first time he had met Hu Bugui, he had had some symptoms of coming down with a cold. Later he had arrived at the grey house and the symptoms had improved on their own. This time, he had met him again, and once again his nose started to itch and he started to sneeze. Su Qing turned his head and was about to speak. "You..."

Before he had said one word, he turned his head away again and sneezed, producing snot and tears, feeling that he had sneezed himself dizzy.

Probably because the look on his face was so indignant, Hu Bugui self-consciously stepped back a little, maintaining a certain distance from him. Su Qing at last determined that he wasn't coming down with a cold. This was an allergy—an allergy to an individual surnamed Hu!

After some mouthfuls of water, the taste of blood in his mouth had become much fainter. Hu Bugui stood by the car door and dully said, "There's an unusual energy reaction in this area. I couldn't take my car in, so I had to break it up. You aren't safe here..."

Su Qing looked at the minicar, then gave Hu Bugui a very annoyed glance. But, bowing to the circumstances, he didn't voice an objection. He silently got into the car. There wasn't even a place to sit. He could only curl up his legs and squeeze to one side...or rather, he was wedged to one side. When Hu Bugui also got in, it was a little hard to close the door. The two of them were practically stuck together.

Hu Bugui said, "If...if you're uncomfortable, you can lean on my shoulder."

"...Thank you for the service," said Su Qing.

"You won't get infected from it," said Hu Bugui.

Su Qing: "..."

Then he sneezed yet again. Miraculously, a line he had memorized in high school appeared in his mind: "When fate is unfavorable, you will meet with many difficulties."

Finding joy amidst sorrow, he covered the slightly reddened tip of his nose with his hand. When Hu Bugui attempted to start the car, he tilted his head back and examined all the complicated instruments inside the narrow car and feelingly thought that this car was truly "worthless on the outside, golden on the inside."

Just then, a female voice came from the comms. It was the field agent Qin Luo: "Captain Hu, there's something wrong."

Hu Bugui quietly responded: "Talk."

Qin Luo said, "Last time, we seized an energy shielding net being used by the blue seals. This time we seem to have run into a bit of a problem. They're using something. There are large-scale short-circuits in the shielding net."

Hu Bugui responded: "Have Xu Ruchong write up an inspection when we get back—is there a possibility of rescuing the victims?"

Qin Luo paused. After a while, she said, "The 'feast' was already halfway through when we arrived..."

Fang Xiu cut in: "Captain Hu, the victims' mental responses are too weak, almost impossible to catch."

Hu Bugui asked, "What about the grey seals?"

"One of the grey seals had a mental collapse on the spot. They shot him dead."

Su Qing's heart tightened. He thought, That better not be Tian Feng.

Hu Bugui briefly said, "Abandon the shielding net. Liao Chenyuan, provide long-range support. Be careful of the grey seals who are still alive. The mission has changed to taking down the blue seals on the scene. There's no need to consider apprehending them."

The ultimate blue seaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora