Chapter 29 (The Last Chapter)

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(Five years later)


I carefully placed the bouquet of flowers in front of Heeseung hyung's stone before I carefully did a full bow. Up to this day, words and actions seem to not be enough for me to thank him for everything and for giving me another chance of life.

My operation was a success despite being comatosed for two whole months. I woke up and the first person I saw was of course Jay who looks nothing like before.


Opening my eyes, I was blinded by the light that is directly above me. Seriously? Why do hospitals have to place their lights directly above the patient's face?

Anyway, I adjusted to the lights before I scan the room. I saw Sunoo and Niki asleep on the couch and my adoptive parents are just about to leave, maybe for work.

I look beside me and my eyes widen at the sight of Jay hyung. He's asleep on the chair beside my bed. His arms are crossed over his chest with his head rested on his neck pillow.

Even in sleep, his face looked exhausted. Tear stains are visible on his cheek. His hair is a mess and for the first time, his outfit is a mess.

I carefully reached out my hand and slightly touched his arms and immediately, as if he is not near tired, he jolts up from his sleep.

His eyes landed on me before he immediately pressed the button indicating the doctors that I have woken up. This also made mom and dad look at our direction and for SunKi to look at us.


Sunoo was quick to react as he ran to me and hugged me even I'm in bed. He began to sob as Niki tried his best to hold back his tears.

"I'm so glad you're finally awake Jungwon. .. "

My adoptive mother spoke as she slowly caressed my face and wiped her tears.

My biological parents didn't even come to see me?

Where are they?

They don't care for me really?


Jay hyung just stood there as he watched me finally regaining my strength. When everyone left to tell the others the good news, that's when he finally spoke to me.

Only one word


I sat in front of his stone as I let out a sigh.

"Hyung . . . I'm happy . . that's your wish for me right? Thank you so much. You know you're the main reason why. And also. . . . I have something to confess. .  "

I raised my hand with my latest diamond ring/engagement ring.

"Jay . . . he proposed to me a month ago. I don't know what to feel really. . . I know Jay already told you but I also want to. I don't know if I should be happy because I know it should have been you. But . . .Jay told me what you said for the last moment. . . you want us to be happy and enjoy our lives. . . I can't thank you enough Hyung. Even in a short span of time, you cared for us . . . I pray for your happiness where ever you are hyung. . ."

I felt arms around me making me automatically lean on the shoulder waiting for my head. I felt a soft gush of wind around us making me smile.  It seems that Heeseung hyung just hugged us both.

"Hee. . . you will always remain in our stories and in our lives. . . you might not be with us, but I promise, you will never perish because we're here to share your life and your story. . I can't thank you enough but I will still say it. Thank you so much Heeseung"

Jay then took out the small red velvet box from his pocket and took out the ring.

"Hyung . . . I want to give you this. I can't watch it rust in my drawer. This is yours in the first place"

Jay placed the opened box on the ground but to our surprise, the ring disappeared.

"Heeseung hyung? Did you take it?"

Just as we are about to look around, Heeseung hyung was standing in front of us with the ring on his hand.

"Thank you for being happy. . . Jay wear this ring for me. . .and I'm happy for the two of you. . please continue because I may not be with you, I will watch over you . . ."

The ring was on Jay hyung's finger and I just cried.

For a brief moment, both of us smiled as we intertwined our fingers.

"Thank you hyung. . "


Time flew fast and it is already the wedding of Sunki.

Well it is already expected from the beginning.

Jungwon was crying happy tears as his best friend finally legally owned the love of his life. The one whom he cried to him for hours at night.

Jake and Sunghoon, even if they just joined the family managed to witness the story of how love can literally change lives of people.

Sunoo and Niki spent almost their whole lives together, Jake and Sunghoon just found each other, but those does not matter.

Time can help in building relationships but time does not determine a relationship. It does not matter when have you found each other, what really matters is where the heart lies.

Jay and Jungwon spent their lives knowing and loving each other. Jungwon and Heeseung just met and have known each other in a short span of time. Jay and Heeseung have loved each other in a reasonable amount of time. Still, Jay chose to love them, Jungwon chose to make them happy. Heeseung chose to be happy even in the last moments.

There is no secret recipe for a good relationship, it just have one ingredient, choice.

They chose to live and love that way.

Being a brother does not require blood relations. . it does not require a long time to be together. Being a brother to each other just require your sincere love for them.

"Hyung" officially ends here.


Thank you so much for staying with me. I hope this ending is satisfactory because as I have said, I am so bad at ending.

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