Chapter 1 (Hyung)

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I turn off my alarm as I excitedly went to the bathroom, wash myself and went to put on some clothes. I specifically chose my favorite clothes that my hyung bought me.

After checking myself in the mirror, I smiled as I approve my look, hyung will like this look for sure.

"Mom! Dad! I'm ready!"

I ran downstairs to see my parents excitedly preparing the table for what seem to be a feast. And like me, they're all excited for my brother's return.

"You look really excited Wonie . ."

My mom said to which I heavily agreed on. I mean, I am really excited to see him again. I haven't seen him in like five years because he has to finish his training in the States. And for five years, I only see him through video calls alone. He also calls me through my phone but because he's really busy sometimes, we won't be able to talk for months.

But now, he's coming back for good because he'll be working alongside our dad in the company which he will soon take over and I am here for it. Today is the day we'll be picking him up at the airport and I am very excited.

My brother and I are really close and I cried for days when he left to the States. I missed him so much that for the first time in five years, I actually woke up early.

We were about to leave when Dad's phone rang and we saw it was a video call from hyung. Dad excitedly answered it as we all wave, trying to fit three of us in the phone screen but instead of hyung's smiley face, I saw a rather sad one making me concerned.

"Hyung? Are you ok?"

He let out a sigh before shaking his head.

"Look . . I'm sorry if I made you feel so happy and all but ..  I'm at the airport. . my flight . . was canceled due to some.  . I don't know . . . I won't be coming home today . . "

I couldn't help my tears from falling down my cheek and my parents were stilled.

"Hyung . . . "

"I'm so sorry Wonie. . I promise, if my flight will be re scheduled, I will tell you . . please don't cry"

I wipe my eyes before running back to my room and close the door. . I cried on my pillow as my excitement crashed.

Just when I thought I will see him today, his flight just have to be canceled. I hate this.

We grew up really close and he means the world to me. He's my standard actually and I vow that if ever I will have a boyfriend, I like him to be like my hyung. maybe thats the reason I am still single.

Plus for five years I waited to see him in person, to hug him or to talk to him about my struggles in person.

My phone rang and I saw it was my brother but I didnt answer it. Instead, I went outside my balcony and cried while the air is hitting my face. I look down and saw our backyard pool as I remember how we always race together and he will win. Will he still win if we race again today? He taught me how to swim and almost everything basic I know are from him. Since our parents are always busy, he's the one who was my parent. But then he has to leave and I can't hold him back as it was his dream.

Why is his flight canceled?

I know he will come soon but I just got so excited now and I don't know, I am so emotional.

"You're not fair . . . "

I said to literally no one. I walk back to my room and I heard a knock on my door.

"Wonie? It's ok . . can you come out please? Do you want to go out at least?"

I heard my mom spoke but I stayed still and cried more. I was just so excited and all of it just crashed and I couldn't hold back my emotions.

"I'm fine mom. . just wanna stay here"

I sat on my bed as I kick off my shoes and open my drawer. I brought out our photos from before and I cant help but cry again when the next photos of us consisted of us in different places and we were divided by the screen of our computers. The last photo was his message to me saying he will be back today making me sad again.

I remove the photo from the book and place it on my desk. That is not happening.

Gosh why am I acting like this ? Do you feel me? When you are gonna meet someone you haven't seen in years then it was suddenly crashed.

I heard my door open and I heard footsteps as I still look down the photo album.

"Dad.  . I'm fine. . "

"Then why are you crying?"

I froze.

That voice . . .

I slowly lift my head to look at the person in front of me and my eyes widen as more tears flow down my cheek.

I wipe my eyes to clear my vision but my tears kept falling.

"Hi Wonie"

I stood up from my bed and literally jump onto him as I hug him as tight as I can with my tears still falling. I am already wetting his shirt but I don't care. I felt his arms wrapped around me making me cry harder.

"I missed you too"

"I .  . I hate you. . "

He laughed as I held onto him not planning to let go.

"I just wanna surprise you . .  I didn't know you would cry so much"

"I was so excited. . . but then it was ruined"

"I'm here now don't worry . . . and I'll be staying here now so don't worry"

He pats my back as I let go of my embrace as I look at him as he laugh at me.

"Stop crying you big baby"

I wipe my tears before fixing myself giving him a glare.

"You're mean you know that?"

"I know .  ."

I was again pulled into a hug and I know, today is a happy day because my brother will be staying here and we no longer have to open our computers to chat.

Some of my parent's friends admire mine and my brother's relationship as we are really close and some also find it weird that we are that close but I don't care, as long as my brother is here, I don't wanna care.

Finally, I have someone to understand me.

"I miss you hyung . . "

He pinched my cheeks before calling me downstairs and when I got there, I saw his bags confirming he's not my illusion.

"Hyung, I'll help you unpack"

We carried his bags to him room with our parents just admiring us bickering and when we got there, I helped him set his room and place his clothes in his closet.

"Hyung can I have this hoodie please?"

"Sure. .  you can have that"


After his room is fixed, he laid on his bed obviously tired and wanted to sleep.

I laid down beside him but I contemplated if I should cuddle with him. I think it would be awkward now since I have grown and so is he. The last cuddle we had was like five years ago and I really miss it but I don't know if how he will react.

Suddenly, I felt him place his arms underneath my head and pulled me closer towards himself as I smiled. He was cuddling me and I felt sleepy.

I ended up falling asleep in his arms once again.


Chapters will be shorter than my usual ones by the way.

Hyung (HeeJayWon short story) ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu