Chapter 5 (My brother is pretty)

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I hate them.

How dare they do this to him?

I tried to control my anger as I slowly dab the cotton ball on his cut.

I'm angry but I'm also scared. Scared that I might do something that Jungwon won't like or could harm him.

When I was a kid, I remember having anger issues. My mom told me that when I was growing up, I always throw tantrums. I am also very violent that my parents actually feared me especially when my mom was pregnant with Jungwon. They say that I would throw things when I got upset like when my remote controlled toy car isn't working, I would violently destroy it that when my parents come check, the poor toy is in pieces.

I was five when Jungwon was born and from that day on, my parents notice how I began to change. I was more careful and gentle but over protective.

I was fine, my parents were very happy with it and they seem to see the reason why.

When we're growing up, it seems like my old self is resurfacing back but little Jungwon put me in check.

Everything changed when Jungwon started school.

Kids always love to tease him due to his small figure and cute face. My old self can't be contained but it isn't easily triggered at the same time.

The worse thing it lead me was when I beat up my classmates for hurting Jungwon. They destroyed his plushie and hit him as they forced three corn dogs in his mouth.

I didnt just lock them in the bathroom, at 10, I hit them with the mop the janitor used making them all fall on the floor before I continuously hit them everywhere. One even injured his arm because of how hard I hit him.

I got blood on my shirt so I washed up and wear my extra uniform.

I never told my mom what I really did but when I saw Jungwon crying because he saw my blood stained shirt, I promised myself that it will never happen again.

And it didn't. I manage to pin myself down when Jungwon isn't around.

But now, I felt like this is too far. The bruises and cuts on his body is nowhere near having fun, this is straight up torture.

"hyung. . do you remember when I tried to clean your wound when you cut yourself trying to chop some onions?"

I let out a laugh as I clearly remember that day.

"Yeah and you did nothing but hurt me more. . who would think pouring alcohol to an open cut is a good idea?"

He laughed with me as I carefully bandaged his cut. And this little guy here knows exactly what to do to tame me.

"I am only 10 hyung . . and alcohol smelt fancy so I thought it will heal quickly"

I finished covering his back as I motion him to turn around which he did with a smile as I can tell he just remembered something.

"Remember when you almost drown?"

I rolled my eyes as I focus on a cut across his chest. This look fresh. How the heck did they do this?

"Yeah . . stupid "play dead" . . I really thought I was gonna die you brat"

I can recall when we were in the pool, he challenged me to play "play dead" with him but because I am still new to the play dead thing whereas he's a pro at (at 6), I ended up almost drowning as I don't know why I can't stand at the bottom of the pool. If dad didn't come in, I would've been dead.

"I'm sorry hyung .  . that is serious but I'm making fun of you"

My actions stopped mid air as I look at him. He looked at me with an apologetic smile but I just shook my head and continue to dress his wound.

"I'm fine . . . it may be bad for kid me but I'm a grown up now . .  even I think I'm being stupid for agreeing to that game.  . don't worry"

He smiled but winced when the alcohol was dabbed.

"Hyung . . . after this, can we have dinner out? Its been long since we went out"

I nodded not being able to deny him as he smiled and I place the last bandage on him. He put on his shirt and pulled me beside him.

"Hyung, will you be working over time in the company?"

"No . . dad gave me my end time everyday. . he made sure I will be dismissed to pick you up from school"

He hums as we slowly drift off to dreamland.

. . ..  .

I woke up noticing that Jungwon is not beside me anymore.

I look up and saw him on the couch with my phone on his hand.


He look up and I notice how his eyes were glossy.

Is he about to cry?

"What's wrong?"

I walk to him as he handed me my phone and I notice how he opened my messages.

They're from my boyfriend back in the States, Heeseung.

He texted me and I knew he saw all our previous conversations.

"You have . . . a boyfriend?"

I nodded and this made him take in a deep breath.

"He was calling you so I answered and told him you're still asleep then he hung up. . ."

He stood up and without a word ran out of the room.

Wait , what just happened?

I am about to follow him but my phone rang and I saw it's Heeseung. Forgetting about Jungwon, I answered the video call and his smiley face come to view as he wave at me.

Gosh I miss him.

"Hey baby I miss you"

"Hey . . I miss you too. . so how is everything?"

"Open the gates"

My eyes widen as he showed in the camera he is indeed outside our house, in front of the gates.

Since when did he arrive here? I ran downstairs before opening the door and indeed, in front of our house, Heeseung was waving at me.

He's here!


I immediately ran to him for a hug as we enjoy the moment of being united again.

I cup his face before I kiss his lips and he smiled as he kiss me back.

How did I not notice that this is indeed the day he will arrive?

I enjoyed my day that's why.

I invited him inside the house and as I am about to call Jungwon, I remembered how he almost cried a while ago. What made him upset?

"Wow is this your brother? He looks so pretty"

I smiled at Heeseung knowing he's right as I also fix my gaze upon Jungwon's picture on the wall beside my high school graduation picture. On the wall also are our awards and such.

Why didnt I notice his?

"I know .  .  . he's one of a kind"


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