Chapter 23

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My biological parents are not who I hoped. They're liars and they're very deceitful. Living with them made me realize that.

They are not hurting anyone but I can't feel any love towards me from them, I don't feel wanted at all nor valued. I feel like they just cared about me because I am their blood and flesh. At first , it was fine because they treat me really well and they are so kind to me but as time passed by, I noticed how they kept asking me if mom and and dad (Park) are still giving me money. Then out of nowhere, they will start talking about having no money.

I just noticed something from this.

They kept making me pay for everything. And the reason they kept asking me about my allowance is because they are making me pay for almost everything.

Just recently, they began to get really out of the line when I found out that they are in debt. Serious debt and they are expecting me to pay for it but because I stopped asking for money from my adoptive parents, they are getting none from me.

At first I really thought they love me but it turns out, money can really change a person. When they realized how they can live in luxury is to use me, they abused it.

Now the person whom they have a debt with is starting to ask for the money but they can't pay it. Fortunately for them, the daughter of that person has a huge crush on Daniel.

So what happened was that my poor brother was forced to wed the daughter.

Can you believe them?

They used their own child as their payment, literally and I am feeling more and more unsafe to stay here.

It's not even a week of Daniel's wedding announcement, he is already married.

When he was nowhere around the house, my fear worsened.

They took away all my gadgets and the only entertainment I had was TV that is not even that entertaining to watch. Secondly, Sunoo and Niki are literally banned to see me.

I still go to school but then I was always watched. I cannot see anyone but I feel them.

One time when I had a chat with Sunoo, I came home and I was grounded, I couldn't access food.

Then, as time passed by, I notice how they are always in a good mood and it turns out, I was their next money.

They signed me to wed the daughter of another rich friend. That girl unfortunately has a huge crush on me at school so she was very excited, well too bad for her I'm allergic.

But I just found out yesterday.

After my birthday, the wedding will take place.

Do they have no idea what marriage really mean?

I am still studying and so is she and we know nothing about being adults and we will get married?

I want to talk to Jay hyung but I cannot go near my phone.

This morning, I had a chance to talk to him to say goodbye but they are literally holding the phone that is in loud speaker.

Then I remembered every secret code we invented when we were kids. Every Halloween when we dress as different people, we always had a secret code.

I talk to him using that.

I just hope he still remembers Detective Park and Captain Park. Because that is the only time we had a trouble. He knows before that when I call him Detective, I am in trouble.

I just hope he still remember and come to me.

Right now, I am packing my stuff to ready myself to live in another country after the wedding.

What a birthday.

Just then, I heard a knock from my balcony door.

Could it be?

I immediately locked my door, and place the dresser in front of it to secure it more before I open the door and indeed, he's there, still in his suit and work clothes.

Immediately, I ran to him and sobbed.

"I'm here. .  tell me what happened"

We sat on my bed as I made sure my parents are asleep. Jay hyung seem to realize that this is really an emergency as he didn't bother to use the front door.

"They'll make me marry someone for their debts to be paid. . . they did this to Daniel too . . and now tomorrow we will leave to get to know my bride. . hyung, save me "

He held my hand and I began to shake as the thought of my marriage being pursued flashed before my eyes.

"Take me away from them. ."

"How? . . I can't just take you away .  .they're now your parents. . you're legally a "Yang" and I could be chanrged with kidnapping"

"Then I will testify against them that they're using me. . "

"Baby . . look I know this kind of business,. . it is never easy and even if you testify without evidence, it is hopeless. . . even if you're of legal age now, they can just twist everything. Plus you have been trapped here for a long time and the chances of them already clearing their evilness is high. ."

He then stood up and open my door.

"Coast is clear.. How much are you worth to them? And to whom are they indebted with?"

"Uhm . . they owe more or less than a million dollars to someone named Simon Lim . ."

A name seem to ring a bell and he fist out his phone and called someone.

"Yes this is Park Jongseong. . I'm calling to ask you something. . . how is your daughter?. .  . . .  a great, I want you to know that the wedding is canceled . . .  .  yes Mr. Yang traded his son without his knowledge . . . for their debt, I will pay it . . ok . .  bring me the documents tomorrow. ."

"Hyung. . ."

"Come, let's speak to your parents"

The whole night is filled with a lot of telling and yelling and in the end, they signed an agreement that I will no longer be with them and my connection to them is no longer valid. . . I'm surprised our lawyer was always ready for this stuff.

And it ended with hyung writing them a check worth one million dollars. That's how much I am worth to them.

(The whole parents thing isn't really the thing I plan to make the highlight to so this is rushed. Haha this is supposed to be a short story)

And I'm sorry for no updates for a week. I didn't even realize that I have been playing "Cafeland" non stop. Its so addicting hahaha

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