Stay With Me (ChanLix)

Start from the beginning

Left to their own devices, the three boys trudged back to the campus while tightly holding onto each other. They met up with Chan, who'd been busy trying to get the school security to look into their friends' disappearances, but with no success. That night, the four of them slept in Felix's room.

When they woke up the next morning, Seungmin was gone.

Hyunjin had completely broken down and ran out of the building, calling the police on his way out. Chan instructed Felix to stay in his room and to not leave until they came back, and quickly went after Hyunjin. Felix obeyed, terrified of what would happen to him if he was caught outside alone...

Neither Chan nor Hyunjin ever made it back.

Felix stayed cowering under his covers for hours on end, his door and his window locked, not daring to step foot outside the room, let alone the dorm. The happiness he'd managed to build in the past few weeks were gone, leaving place to pure dread – all of his friends were gone, taken by an unknown evil, and he was most probably next.

And then, nearing one in the morning, Felix's fitful sleep was broken by a single notification that chilled him to the bone.

|Unknown sender|

Come alone if you want your friends to live.

An address was also sent, and Felix suddenly realized that he didn't have a choice. Whoever was after him and his friends was watching him, meaning he couldn't try to fetch help at all. No, if he wanted to keep his friends safe, then he needed to play along and figure things out once he understood what exactly their tormentor wanted from them.

Gathering all of his courage, Felix left the dorm.

The chilly night air froze him to the bone, but no amount of coldness could beat that of the dread seeping into his soul. He walked fast with his head tucked low and his phone in his hands, following the directions sent – the address wasn't too far from the dorm. In fact, it was directly on campus, still.

He made it to the sports building and, still following instructions, walked around until he stumbled upon a small staircase that led directly to the basement of the large building, under the main gym. The door was unlocked, and he went inside with his heart beating in his ears, his finger just shy of pressing the emergency number already half-typed in. 

He slowly made his way down the dark hallway, only guided by the faint light emanating from his screen. He kept on walking until he reached a first set of doors, and he hesitantly pushed them open to make his way inside. The moment he did, blinding lights were turned on all around... and soft groans immediately drew his attention.

"Mi- Minho-hyung!"

It truly was him, safe and still in one piece. The older was literally chained to one of the numerous machines in what turned out to be the boiler room, a light bruise blooming on the side of his face, but he appeared otherwise unharmed. He was unconscious, however, and he didn't react when Felix tried to shake him awake. 

Going to check on the older allowed him to see further inside the room, however – and that's when he saw the large cage tucked in the corner, with all-too-familiar bodies trapped and chained inside of it. All of his friends were in states similar to Minho's but, when he tried to wake them through the thick bars, only Jisung's eyes opened.


"Don't worry, Jisung – I'm getting you out of there," he promised, frantically looking for a way to open the door of the cage. "What happened? Who took you? What—"

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now