Chapter 19: A Deadly Game of Cards

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Since our last meeting, snowflakes began dancing a lively jig in the sky. I held Mira in my arms, trying to warm her in the rapidly dropping temperature. For a long time we sat like that, surrounded by the abandoned graves of this secret cemetery.

After a while she began to relax a little, her breathing taking on a consistent rhythm.

"'Thank you,' she said, wiping away her tears with her hand.

The sun was waking up on the horizon. Mira got up, and walked a slightly wobbly way to the moth.

"Where are you going?" I asked with surprise.

"We're going back to the cave to get Roger" she replied "we have to get him out of there eventually".

I agreed, and gathering up our trash bags I climbed back on the bacl of the creature. Somehow we flew through the cave, and once again found ourselves in summer meadows of cute little mushroom houses.

I felt a little uneasy, as the memories of what happened here nibbled at my memory.

"don't worry" said Mira "if anything we'll just fly out of here"

"eh-he-he-heh" wheezed the old man who ran up to us, slyly rubbing his hands together, "look who's here. Did our prey come running back into our snare?"

I flicked him off as he tried to fly too close to my face.

" let my dog go and I'll leave peacefully" I said, not wanting to argue " Let me have my dog and I'll go peacefully" I said, I'm not ready to listen to his stupid jokes. "where's Roger?"

"oh you want your puppy back?" he said in a mocking tone "Nah. That's no good. You left him behind,and now you want him back? You're not a good caregiver."

I couldn't argue with that, apart from the fact that I was running for my life in that moment.

"You don't leave your friends to die," he said, as if reading my mind "Well... I can give you the book if you want it. You can have it."

The obnoxious red book materialised in his hands.

"keep it." I say flatly, "I don't need it anymore."

"As you say lad," shrugged the flying grandpa, incinerating the book instantaneously. "There! Problem solved! You know what, I changed my mind about killing you. Tell you what, you play cards with me. If you win, you get your dog. If you lose... killing you is always an option."

"Am I crazy or what?" I resented, "I don't believe a goddamn word of yours. You fae are tricksters. Every one of your 'games' is rigged."

" I can't argue with that," he laughed, showing his single remaining tooth. "But you don't have many any other options."

"okay, I'll do it," I said, "but on one condition."

His eyes glittered greedily " What an interesting turn of events.... I'm feeling generous today. Tell me what you want."

"I want to see Roger before we start playing."

For a few moments he thought, comically walking in the air.

" you're playing with fire lad." he replied at last " Fine, I'll accept. Follow me"

He led us to a little creek, a creek where I could see Roger resting under a willow tree. I tried to get closer to him, but the old man stopped me again.

"Eh, not so fast lad!" He wiggled his finger in my face. " you said to see, not to touch. I kept my word, now you keep yours. "

"Well I-"

"No, no, no, darling," he interrupted me. "A word spoken is past recalling"

Here, dear readers, is another example of me being an absolute moron. I barely even know how to play other words...I am a dead man.

"don't grieve" he laughed merrily, "you'll make a great doormat."

It took all of my willpower to not kill him in one blow and call it a day. Maybe I should have done it, it would have been much easier.

But boy oh boy, my conscience yet again was acting up, and I decided to give in and try it. Maybe this lime life will allow me to bullshit something? I mean it never works out, especially on math tests... But hopefully it will let it slide this one time?

I balled my fists and sat down on a big old stump, in front of another, even larger one that was in place of a table. In front of me, cards were spread out.

Looking at the suits, all of my hopes vanished entirely. They were nothing like the ones I was even remotely familiar with. Each of the cards had some unique symbol on it, and on top of that there were many words inscribed on each I couldn't read.

"You tricked me!" I said indignantly, "you know I don't know how to play this!"

"You're the one who got into it," the grandfather showed his annoying smile again. "Each card has a pre-written magic spell. Defeat me and you'll leave in peace."

He raised the first card, as everything rose up in flames. 

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