Chapter 12: Messenger of Tides

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At night the strangest vision came to me. Everywhere I turned there was a raging ocean. Thunder and lightning were blazing in the sky, and the first rays of sunlight were breaking out of the twilight. The little boat I was standing on swayed violently on the restless waves, threatening to capsize.

At first I thought i was imagining things, but soon the boat began to spin faster in place, as if I had hit the very middle of the Bermuda Triangle. I was sinking deeper and deeper, and a bright Azure light was pouring out of the middle of the whirlpool. The sight was so terrifying and beautiful that at first it was hard for me to understand what was happening to me...

The light was getting brighter and brighter, and my boat was gradually sinking in those inky waters. I was beginning to choke, feeling the salty water burning my throat. Dark spots blurred in front of my eyes, and my cough was getting stuck in my chest. With horror I watched as a towering wave surged over me. The next moment it was as if everything was shrouded in amber. The wave collapsed on me like a massive boulder, and the sea pulled me into the black depths of the abyss.
As soon as the darkness cleared, I saw that I was standing in a vast room made entirely of marine bedrock. Outside I could see a family of fish swimming by, as well as a large shark.

The room was dark, but there was enough light coming through from above to make out my surroundings. It was a giant square room, lit only by glowing species of coral planted geometrically around the perimeter. in the very middle was a massive stone pedestal, with a cloud of darkness floating on top of it. From this cloud came a muffled, rhythmic pounding.

Out of nowhere I heard an ethereal female voice enveloping everything like a Spring Stream."Welcome to our realm," the voice said, "I won't talk much, but rather go straight to the point. You have a chance to save the city of light, and continue your search for your hated one. In order to do so, you must make a self-sacrifice, and resurrect yourself as a new you. Only then will you be worthy of forgiveness, and only then will your work become fruitful. "

"I don't understand" I replied, "what do I have to do?"

" it's very simple" she answered "In order to start living again you must die. To be able to lead you must learn how to follow, to be forgiven you must learn to forgive, and to get rid of the monster you must become it"

With these words the veil dissolved, and my eyes began to be blinded by a shimmering ray of sunlight.

It felt heavy on my chest when I heard those words. The middle points were more or less understandable, but the first and the last one sent shivers down my spine. What does this mean? Why do I have to die, and how? How could I do anything then? And the last one is not clear at all, And how can I get rid of the monster if I become one?

I reached out and walked out to the mouth of the cave, where Mira was waiting for me. She watched me with a disgruntled look, crossing her arms over her chest. Her silver eyes accompanied my every step, and her thick curls moved slowly in the breeze, beautifully framing her dark skin.

"Well? Speak," she said.

" Why, I don't-"

she gave me a very stern look.

"It's not good to lie, Hogan."

After I realised that this was an argument I could not win, I gave up and told her about my vision. Even the parts I did not want to say at all. I think that even if I had decided not to tell her, she would have somehow found out on her own.

She sighed, then straightened her blouse. She never ceased to amaze me. Unlike Ethel, she was quite modest, but very brave. She was just as beautiful, but she didn't brag about it, and her down to earth added to her beauty even more.She somehow managed to save me and do heroic things in the most elegant manner possible. 

"Well, let's get going" she said, motioning for me to get onto Mothy (yes I named it Mothy, If you have a problem with it I don't care)

We sat down and flew right into the storms of Luces, where the streets were flooding and the citizens were screaming. 

I had some other things to worry about as well. I needed to plan how to die.

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