Chapter 5

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Its funny how the smallest things can make a huge, like a very huge difference in someone's life. Just the other day, I was told I am dying and now I had a huge altercation with Maca. ' I don't need your help anymore' were the only words that were in my mind. They left me very confused.
I laid on the bed and I intently stared at the white ceiling with a coloured fan, spinning round and round and round.
" Guess who's coming home today?" my mother barged through the door with a smile bubblier than I've ever seen. She came along my bed and squeezed me. "Ouch. My collarbone still hurts" I whimpered.
"Cry baby. As always" she gleamed.
After we signed every hospital document, mom led me to the car as if I had sprained my ankle. I could walk on my own, it's just my lovely mother was overreacting.

"Have you told Dad, yet?" I questioned as we pulled out of the parking lot, and as always, I was given the silent treatment.
" Did you fight with Maca the other day?" she finally broke the silence after a lot of minutes spent in silence. "Yeah!" I breathed heavily. " You should apologize to her. Be the bigger person okay my son?" she begged. I nodded and the stared at the window as the birds flew happily across the vast cloudless sky. I was wrong, for all the insults.

After a century, the car finally came to my house, and I was too tired I just went on to bed for the rest of the day.

"Patrick!" there was that intense sharp voice from my mother I missed.
Yeah it was morning the next day and I had to prepare for school. I wasn't really looking forward to my day today. But I had to go to school and learn nevertheless, since I had fallen behind with a lot of work
Just as I approached the kitchen after showering, I saw the bags under my mother's eyes, beaten with makeup. She has been crying.
My condition drained her, and I had to be very strong for her. Tough already.
Also the evil thoughts in my head were not fading, I was still thinking about James, who is apparently my nemesis from now on. I wanted to kill him.
I went to school as per ordinary and tried to avoid physical contact and interaction with other people. I made sure I was alone the whole time. Time went on by the day until the lunch hour.

That's when everything started to change!

" Here is the rookie that tried to snatch my girlfriend" James walked towards my direction with a smirk while the rest of the gang he was with started whispering jokes to each other's ears.
" I AM NOT IN THE MOOD!" I snapped at him and looked him in the eyes. I felt hate bubbling up as I looked at him. His school shirt had been decorated with stupid art. So much for 'macarena's boyfriend'.

"Wow it seems like someone has some balls now, huh?" He tapped my shoulder. I closed my lunch box and turned to him.
Having this gang around me was very intimidating. They were very intimidating!

" Do you have a minute? I wanna tell you a story." I ignored him and looked away.

"Well, lemme continue either way maybe you will be interested. See, Maca and I have been dating for two years now and the only reason she hung out with you was because I wanted some help with my grades, I sent her to befriend the nerd and then have my homeworks done, smart hey?" he grinned afterwards and his other friends to.

Oh he was just right! Like who'd just talk to me and want to be my friend at the first day of school. That was just too good to be true. I was played and exploited, and I had to do something about it. ' I don't need your help anymore?' now made sense in my head.

"So all those thousand homeworks I did were yours?" I rose to look him even deeper in his eyes.

"Wow that's funny I always considered Maca a dummy and that handwriting, it was that of a prick like you, it makes sense now. Well, it has been a pleasure leading you out of the woods academically... imbecile!"

A punch landed on my jaw, and it was quite painful, I won't lie.
I fell on the green school grass, and I spotted a beer empty besides me. What was it doing inside premises? But I needed it now. Perfect heavy high-grade glass that doesn't even break easily, but I was about to crack on someone's head!

Next minute, after the adrenaline rush was over, I found myself with a human bleeding to death in front me and to make matters worse it was from the head! I had actually stroke him really hard and everyone circled around the scene.
I slowly went over to look at the poor bleeding guy. " I guess we'll die someday. Either now or 11 months later." I said unremorseful about what I just did but deep down I felt like crying. Had I actually served my purpose and my dream came true? Did I kill him? Because I didn't mean to.
It was after a few minutes when the ambulance was at the school gates and that gave me hope. They brought out a stretcher and helped him on it. He still wasn't breathing, and as for me I was escorted to the principal's office.

" We can't have such at our school! A newcomer student causing such violence, how pathetic!" The principal shouted as I zoned out the moment. I couldn't hear a word he said, and I was thinking about what had gotten into me.
The way I was now answering was not my normal me, and I liked it! I didn't know I had such a dark side. Deep down though, I hope James survived that crash. Honestly.
"Patrick are you even listening to me?"

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