As a profound silence settled in, I felt a warm sensation at my back—a trickle of blood. Glancing down at the man who had provoked me, I saw him lying on the floor, nearly lifeless, blood oozing from his nose and mouth. I bound him to a chair and administered a sedative to ensure he would remain unconscious for at least five hours. Then, I concealed him in a hidden compartment/room beneath my bed—a secret space that used to be my previous work area.

After disposing of his gun and any incriminating evidence, I surveyed the aftermath in my room. It was utter chaos, but thankfully, my safe and important documents remained untouched and intact. Unfortunately, my new design for Jagged Stone was destroyed, and it would take time to recreate it. I berated myself aloud, the frustration evident in my voice.

At that moment, you, being your usual stubborn self, entered my room and observed the scene. Furthermore, we had an uninvited guest. And now, you're up to speed with everything that transpired," I concluded matter-of-factly.

"Alright, so that's the reason behind your outburst. But what about that man... Did he regain consciousness?" He asked, seeking clarification. In response, I shook my head from side to side, indicating that he had not.

Surprising him with my next statement, I said, "Yes, you may!" His astonishment was palpable as he blurted out his question aloud, wondering how I knew what he was thinking.

"Ma'am, what do you mean by giving me permission?" he inquired.

"For preparing the torture room, obviously. You were thinking the same thing, right?" I asked, wanting to ensure there were no misunderstandings.

"Yes, ma'am, that's exactly what I was thinking. But how did you know?" he asked, still taken aback.

"Because you're not the only one with skills. I, too, can read minds," I replied, leaving no room for further questions. With that, I walked away and returned to my room, leaving him to contemplate my abilities.

Flashback to what happened In the Family meeting ~

Now it was time for the dreaded family meeting, and to be honest, I didn't particularly enjoy them. Whenever my turn came, it seemed to take hours to get through. Previously, we hadn't held these meetings because Tikki and Plagg had placed spies on me and stationed numerous guards around me. It was an incredibly awkward situation, but I managed to outsmart them, leaving them fearful of approaching me. But I digress. I joined the meeting, and Tikki and Plagg greeted me.

"Hey, sweetie! Good evening," Tikki chimed in. "Hey, bugaboo, what's up?" Plagg added with his usual playful tone.

"Seriously, Plagg? You're grown up now and married, yet you still act like a flirty teenager," I retorted, my words flowing without a second thought.

"Oh, bugaboo, chill! I'm not that old. If we stand together, we could pass as a couple. Isn't that right, sugar cube?" Plagg remarked, glancing at Tikki.

"I can't believe I'm agreeing with you, but yes, if you two stand together, you look like a perfect couple. And Plagg, well, he's always been Plagg. Maybe it's his nature, or maybe he just wants to get you into some trouble," Tikki replied, bursting into laughter along with Plagg. They were clearly trying to tease me.

"Don't laugh, Plagg. It could also be that I'm more mature than girls my age. You can't blame it on me; it's just the way I've been since birth. My life and my circumstances have made me different from other girls my age," I stated, defending myself. The room fell into a momentary silence as everyone processed my words, and then they started showing sympathy.

"So, Marinette, I wanted to tell you that there are some people who will be joining us. Before you argue, they are related to you, so bear with it," Tikki spoke, using my name, indicating that this was a serious matter. I didn't inquire further and simply nodded my head, accepting the news.

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