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Christian didn't care when anyone really saw his temper, which happens to be often. Even though he left the gang, the mentality he learned was still with him. He seen how frighten he made Jazmyn but to him he had no choice, she was going to fight him for what he wanted. She had every right to go the entire ride in silence, she'll just have to get use to it because she now belonged to him.

Pulling up to Christian place Jazmyn thought it was quite the sight, under different circumstances she would enjoy a time like this.

Bringing them inside he leads them to the bedroom.

"I hope this will do, I had Ryan take the crib from your place and put it up in here, but that is only for tonight. Tomorrow I will have a whole room set up just for Ariana."

"It's fine, I prefer for her to be close to me any way."

Christian nods and heads back out to talk to Jason.

Jazmyn walks around rocking baby Ari to sleep while at the same time looking around. Once she has her place in her crib, she goes changing back into her night clothes and climbs into bed. There was no denying how comfortable the bed is.

But what she didn't notice was that she is in the master bedroom, meaning she would be sharing the bed with Christian.

Returning to his room he sees she has already laid down for the night changing into his own pajamas pants getting into bed.

Jazmyn felt the bed dip and turns to see Christian getting into bed with her.

So of course she asked the obvious, "Wait, what are you doing?"

"Going to bed, same as you."

"Not here, we're not sharing a bed."

Christian lays down pulling Jazmyn towards him, laying her on her back while he hovers over her.

"First let me say again don't worry you'll get use to it. But you also have to come to terms with the facts that soon you will be my wife and will never again have a room to yourself. Don't worry I will not force myself on you, you will give yourself to me willingly."

"That's never gonna happen, at least not in this lifetime."

Smirking down at her he loved her smart mouth, wondered how great it would feel wrapped around his cock.

"I know for a fact that you will because even though right now as you put off this 'you disgust me' attitude deep down you want me just as much as I want you."

Unable to stop himself he needed to know how soft her lips is. He goes in for a kiss, that she resist at first but grants his tongue permission into her mouth. She releases a moan, realizing she was feeling pleasure she finally pushes him away. He falls to his back laughing.

"Like I said future Mrs. Grey you want me, but until then I don't mind just kissing those beautiful lips of yours."

Jazmyn dismisses what he just said and what she just allowed to happen. Turning off the side lamp, she moves away from Christian as far as she could. Now with her back to him she closes her eye, hoping to fall a sleep ending what felt like to her to be the longest day of her life.

Once Christian seen she was fully asleep he wrapped her in his arms and drifted off as well.


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