31 | The Grievers Attack

Start from the beginning

The Builders - with their leader, Gally - were ordered to put up barricades at each open Door; they obeyed, although Jungkook knew there wasn't enough time and there weren't the materials to do much good. It almost seemed to him as if the keepers wanted people busy, wanted to delay the inevitable panic attacks.

Jungkook helped as the Builders gathered every loose item they could find and piled them in the gaps, nailing things together as best they could. It looked ugly and pathetic and scared him to death - no way that'd keep the Grievers out.

As Jungkook worked, he caught glimpses of the other jobs going on across the Glade.

Every torch in the compound was gathered and distribuied to as many people as possible; Hope said he planned for everyone to sleep in the Homestead that night, and that they'd kill the lights, except for emergencies. Jin's task was to take all the non-perishable food out of the kitchen and store it in the Homestead, in case they got trapped there - Jungkook could only imagine how horrible that'd be.

Others were gathering supplies and tools; Amara and Jay carrying weapons from the basement to the main building. Namjoon had made it clear they could take no chances: they'd make the Homestead their fortress, and must do whatever it took to defend it.

Jungkook finally snuck away from the Builders and helped Jay and Amara, who were carrying up boxes of knives and barbed-wire-wrapped clubs. Then Jay mentioned they had a special assignment from Hope, and more or less told Jungkook to get lost, refusing to answer any of his questions.

This hurt Jungkook's feelings, but he left anyway, really wanting to talk to Hope about something else. He finally found him, crossing the Glade on his way to the Blood House.

"Hope!" he called out, running to catch up. "You have to listen to me."

Hope stopped so suddenly Jungkook almost ran into him. The older boy turned to give Jungkook such an annoyed look he thought twice about saying anything.

"Make it quick," Hope huffed.

Jungkook almost balked, not sure how to say what he was thinking.

"You've gotta let the girl go. Theresa," He knew that she could only help, that she might still remember something valuable.

"Ah, glad to know you guys are buddies now," Hope started walking off. "Don't waste my time, Kookie."

Jungkook grabbed his arm

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Jungkook grabbed his arm. "Listen to me! There's something about her - I think she and I were sent here to help end this whole thing."

Hope scoffed. "Yeah - end it by lettin' the bloody grievers waltz in here and kill us? I've heard some sucky plans in my day, Greenie, but that takes the cake." He then frowned. "What about Amara?" He asked.

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