ch 22, finally

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After the big win the day prior, Orion had decided to take the Ducks out for a celebratory dinner.

Ripley was excited to see her friends, and more importantly Banksie.

The two didn't talk about the kiss after it happened, instead deciding to just enjoy the moment, but that didn't mean it was a secret. All of teammates had viewed the tender moment, hooting and hollering as the pair embraced.

Ripley was the happiest she had been in a long time, hoping that the kiss meant what she thought it did.

As they all pulled up to the restaurant, in a fairly large limo might she add, the girl was excited. She felt so comfortable around her happy friends, all of them still pumped from the big win the day prior.

The restaurant Orion had chose was fairly nice, as he had encouraged his players to dress as clean and proper as they could. And they all did, each teen looking dashing as they entered the restaurant.

Ripley made her way to the large table that companied them, taking a seat next to Connie as Adam took as seat next to the blonde girl.

She smiled at the boy for a moment, before turning her attention back to the friends in front of her, all of them beginning to drown themselves in random conversation.

The waitress soon came over and took their drink orders as the group looked over the menu.

"Damn." Ripley said, glancing over the menu. "This place is expensive."

Adam nodded, "That's what I was thinking, hopefully Orion doesn't say he has a surprise for us towards the end."

The girl laughed at Adam's statement and continued glancing over the menu, the waitress coming back with their drinks soon after as she started to take their orders.


The dinner was going well, the group was having a fantastic time and everyone was laughing and talking amongst each other, discussing what the rest of the season would be like.

Ripley knew that the JV versus Varsity game was probably the biggest game they'd play that season, as sectionals, regionals, and state were held for the varsity team only. She knew that the pressure that was on the Duck's shoulders had promptly been released, and she was excited, anticipating what the upcoming games would be like.

"Are you coming back next year?" Adam interrupted her thoughts.

"I believe so, yes. Are you?" She said, taking a bite of her food.

He nodded in return, "Yeah, I am."

She nodded and they continued their conversation, talking about their next game which would be on that upcoming Tuesday.

Their conversation was interrupted by Coach Orion, as he stood up tapping his glass with his fork.

The girl received some not so fun flashbacks back to when Rick had done the same, but quickly shook them off and paid attention to the man before her.

"Firstly, I want to congratulate you all on your massive success last night." The man started, "You all played the best you could, and it worked out in your favor. I couldn't be any more proud of the hockey players you guys have become."

"With that, I want to remind you all that our season is far from over. We have a high chance of winning the remaining games this season, and I don't want your confidence to halter. I know you all have it in you to succeed, so don't prove me wrong. To the Ducks!"

"To the Ducks!" The friends cheered, raising their glasses in the air.

With that, the team finished their meals and Orion, thankfully, was the one to pay for the bill. 

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