ch 10, better than this

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It was the following day, and Ripley was still reeling with anger. 

Ripley and Connie walked in silence down the hall, until she noticed the tall blonde standing by her locker.

She scoffed, stirring Connie's attention, and left the brunette's side without a word, trudging over to her locker. Ripley didn't utter a word to him, letting him bask in the silence that surrounded the two.

"Rick told me to tell you there's a scrimmage against JV, after school." Adam, looking at her blankly. "So, come if you want."

She nodded, and he began to walk away, now leaving her in the silence.

Ripley huffed, mindlessly following behind him as they shared the next class together.

Ripley was annoyed at the lack of communication between the two friends, but she let him be. Hoping whatever was going on would clear up soon.


The day didn't get any better for Ripley.

She was constantly thinking about Adam and his standoffishness behavior.

She hadn't known the boy very long, nor did she know every detail about him. But she hoped, eventually, that Adam would come up to her and they could talk about whatever was going on with him. But, for the time being, she gave him the space he so desperately craved.

Ripley pondered if he was distancing himself due to the Ducks giving her a free pass during all the pranks, or if he was distant due to their intimacy on Saturday. Either ways, Ripley knew she didn't do anything wrong, so she had nothing to worry about.

"I'm assuming we're gonna be playing against you tonight?" Charlie said, bursting the girl out of her thoughts.

Ripley had contemplated skipping lunch, truthfully, not wanting to be around anyone. She wanted some time to think about everything goin on in her life right now. Adam's indifference towards her, the foul varsity boys, and school work was too much for the girl to handle.

Yet, she didn't. She sat there picking at her food before answering, "Yeah, I suppose. Why are we scrimmaging against each other, anyways?"

"Rick and Charlie got into it, that's where the whole 'mini game' idea came from." Goldberg muttered.

"It's not my fault he can't take a joke." Charlie laughed, "Besides, we're gonna kick some Warrior ass before practice."

She shook her head at the boy, considering he was gesturing that he would beat her team's ass.

"You know, I am a Warrior, Conway. You're gonna have to kick my ass, too"

The boy smiled up at his friend, "That shouldn't be too hard."

As Ripley laughed at her friends responses to his comment, she contemplated telling them about the fuss with Rick in the locker room the previous day. Yet, she decided against that too, once again keeping her thoughts to herself.

"We'll go easy on you, Bell. Don't worry." Mendoza shot her a wink.

"Im counting on it." 


After school, Ripley quickly made her way to the locker room, where most of her teammates were already getting ready for the scrimmage.

As she opened the door, eyes met hers and she kept her head down.

"Ah, look who's joining us today." She heard Rick's voice call out, assuming he was gesturing to her, "Didn't think you'd show."

She grumbled as she fiddled through her gear, beginning to get dressed, "Yeah, whatever."

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