ch 11, frickin' airheads

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Ripley had thought about a lot of stuff after the scrimmage.

She pondered why she was still on varsity if none of her teammates wanted anything to do with her. Sure, she was good and definitely helped the team out while playing, but all of her teammates were good. She wasn't the deciding factor on if varsity won or not.

She considered her options at that point, wondering if staying on varsity was worth it?

She knew she had a better chance to be noticed by scouts if she stayed on varsity, but if that was the only reason she stayed, was there really a point?

Ripley had thought about moving back down to JV, in hopes that she could rekindle the love for hockey she once had that was slowly burning out of her heart. She loved when she played with the Ducks, so maybe returning to them would make their team stronger as a whole. She hoped that was the case, considering she had talked to Julie and Connie many times about how the team was not doing so hot during their season.

Ripley thought about all of this as she walked through the hallway by herself. Adam hadn't shown up to her locker, as she expected, leaving her to walk to her classes by her lonesome for the second day in a row.

She wondered if varsity wasn't as fun anymore because of the grudge Adam seemingly held against her, but she tried to think about the boy the least she could. Another devastating topic on her mind was the last thing the girl needed.

She continued walking the halls until she reached the lunch room, smiling at her friends as she saw their faces light up with joy as she entered.

She made her way over to them, taking a seat, and noticed Fulton and Charlie were gone.

She tilted her head, "Where'd they go?"

She gestured to the open seats and the friends began to look amongst themselves.

"Yeah...", Averman started, "They quit."

"They quit?!" Ripley sputtered. "What do you mean they quit?"

Kenny now turned towards her, "They quit during practice yesterday after the game fiasco."

"Okay... but why aren't they at school?"

"We're assuming they quit school too, as they haven't been here all day." Goldberg mentioned.

Ripley shoved her face into her hands, propping her elbows on the table before her, "What is going on?"

Her friends nodded in agreement around her, all understanding that their team was falling apart.

"I can't believe they decided to leave right as I was considering moving back down to JV."

Her friends turned their surprised faces towards the girl, "You're coming back to JV!"

They all began to shout in excitement, Ripley's return being the best news they had heard in awhile.

"Woah, woah. Slow your role." She said, trying to stifle their excitement, "It's not set in stone, yet. It's just been something that I've been considering."

"Ripley, please. You have to." Connie said, pulling on the girls arm.

Julie agreed, "Yes, Rip you have too. You're our biggest shot at beating those bastards and proving them wrong."

Ripley shook her head, "Quit doubting yourselves, guys. You don't need me to beat varsity."

"Uh, we kinda do." Goldberg muttered, "You are quite literally the only person besides Fulton that can take them down."

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