ch 5, we have each other

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"Do you know if the team is mad at us?" Ripley asked, as her and Adam made their way to the lunch room.

"I don't think so. I'd say they're more disappointed about us not playing with them anymore, rather than angry." Adam replied, "They all seemed happy for us, though."

"Well, that's good at least."

They continued their walk together, secure in thought knowing, or at least thinking, that their friends weren't holding any grudges against them. After all, it wasn't their decision.

They continued their way into the lunchroom, where they found the familiar faces of their friends sitting and waving for them to join. As they passed by rows and rows of tables, making their way to their friends, Adam was quickly yanked down next to the girl.

She looked over her shoulder, looking to find her friend that had suddenly disappeared, when she saw the the hands of the Varsity team seating Adam next to them.

"You guys should sit with us from now on, considering you're part of the team." Rick offered, with a smile.

He patted Adams back, as he only offered only a quiet look of confusion towards Ripley.

"Thanks for the offer, Rick, but I think we're actually-"

"Oh c'mon, Ripley." Cole ushered, his hand on her back yearning for the girl to take a seat. "Don't be shy. This is where you belong now."

She turned her face towards the blonde man, and grimaced, removing his hands from her back. "Thanks guys, but no thanks. I'll be okay over there."

She waited for Adam to get up from his seat, but he didn't. "You coming, Banksie?"

"I think Banksie will be sitting with us from now on, feel free to join another day." Rick added, a shit-eating smile stretched across his face, before sitting down himself.

Adam only offered a shrug, and a mouthed, 'I don't know either', before she turned her attention back to her usual lunch table.

She shook her head as they all looked at her in confusion, seemingly wondering why Adam was all of a sudden sitting with the Varsity members.

Ripley shrugged at them, before finally taking seat between Julie and Dwayne.

"That's annoying." Charlie muttered, turning back to his food. "He's on Varsity for not even a day and is already ditching us. At least someone is loyal."

Ripley frowned at his statement, "I wouldn't take it too personal, Banks didn't really have much of a choice."

Charlie didn't respond, just turned his attention elsewhere in the room.

Ripley did the same, except she turned her attention to Banks, who she could see from across the room was sitting quietly while some of varsity boys laughed and joked around.

"Well, Ripley, congrats on making varsity. We enjoyed playing with ya, darling, even if it was short lived." Dwayne said, interrupting the quiet atmosphere among the friends.

Ripley smiled at his confession, "Thanks Dwayne, I enjoyed playing with you guys to-"

"I'll be right back guys." Charlie's voice ripped through Ripley's sentence. "Russ, Fulton, c'mon boys."

She glanced at the boys, shaking her confused thoughts away before seeing them all rush out of the lunch room.

"They're so weird." Julie said, shoving a pastry into her mouth.

Ripley nodded, turning her attention back to the food in front of her. She badly wanted to glance at Adam and see if he was enjoying sitting with the older boys, but she decided to keep her lingering eyes to herself.

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