ch 8, feisty feast

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While gettin ready for the dinner, Ripley couldn't help but feel like something was... off.

She wanted to trust that her teammates intentions were pure, but after recalling how angry Rick was the day of the winter wonderland, she couldn't help but feel something bad was coming.

She slipped on her dress, and fixed her hair, finally lacing up her shoes. She was to be riding with Scooter, thank god, and Adam.

She looked up at the clock of her dorm and realized it was about time to be heading down to the common area where they would all meet up.

Ripley had her hand on her door handle and was about to leave, when she glanced at the purse sitting on her desk.

"Should I bring money?" She recalled asking Rick earlier that day before practice.

"No." He replied flatly.

"But I'm a part of varsity? Shouldn't I be helping pay-"

"We've got it covered Ripley, don't worry about it." Scooter interrupted.

She shook herself out of her memories, still staring at the purse.

'Fuck it.' She thought, before grabbing the purse and bringing it with her.


She never minded Scooter, so riding with him wasn't a problem. She sat in the back on the way to the Minnesota Club, while Adam took the front seat.

"You look nice, Ripley." Scooter pointed out. "It's nice to see you in something other than a uniform."

"Thanks, Scott." Ripley replied, smiling, "You two look nice as well."

The boys in the front thanked her and they went back to listening to the radio.

Earlier in the drive Scooter had mentioned a party that Rick was hosting for the varsity that night. She had asked if JV was invited but Scooter had said he wasn't sure.

Scooter, Scott, had told her there would be alcohol at the party, but assured her that no one would force her to drink if she wasn't up to it.

"Are you gonna drink?" She asked Adam, who was looking out the window.

He turned his head over his right shoulder to get a glimpse of her and replied, "Probably not."

She nodded her head and leaned back in her seat, awaiting their arrival to the restaurant.


The Minnesota Club was far nicer than she anticipated, and she wondered why varsity would take their well-known enemies to such a pricy place.

She chalked it up to Mommy and Daddy's money, and left it at that.

The teams were all sat around a grand table, chatting and enjoying their meal as if they weren't at each others throats just days ago.

"I love this tradition! At my old school, we didn't have traditions like this." She heard Averman chalk from across the table.

"Waiter, I've got too many forks. I only need one. I don't...Y'all, I just... What's this little bitty one for? What's this little bitty.."

She laughed at her friends reaction to the dinner, and she was pleasantly surprised too. For the first time since she had been at Eden Hall, she had never seen these two groups of athletes get along. She was proud of the varsity for putting their differences aside.

She saw Rick and Charlie chatting away, and noticed Goldberg and Julie fighting over something.

"This is nice, isn't it." She looked over at Adam, who was picking at his steak.

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